Charting and Interface FAQ

TrendSpider Charting & Interface - Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What candle types do we support? We support Traditional Candlesticks, Line, Bar, Candles, Hollow candles, Raindrops, and Heikin Ashi.
  2. What are Raindrops? Unique to TrendSpider, raindrops provide traders with combined volume and price data into a single visualization, filtering out distractions like arbitrary open and close prices. Click here to learn more.
  3. Can I favorite timeframes? Yes, when you press the timeframe dropdown, select the star icon to favorite (up to 5) timeframes.
  4. Can I quick navigate the chart? Yes, on the timeframe button, scroll down to see the different quick navigation options.
  5. I want to adjust the colors of my chart, remove the watermarks or grid lines, and want to have the countdown timer on my chart. Where can I do that? Select the gear icon to adjust the chart to your liking.
  6. Where can I turn on extended hours? Turn on extended hours by pressing the clock icon.
  7. How do I zoom in on the chart? Zoom in on the chart by moving your mouse wheel toward your device. On laptops, use your fingers and push them toward each other to zoom in. Do the opposite to zoom out.
  8. I want to make the candles bigger on my chart. How do I do that? You can click and drag the date axis horizontally and the price axis vertically to make the candles bigger.
  9. Why are my drawings not visible on all timeframes? When you create a drawing, right-click on the drawing itself, and go to properties. From there, you will see an option that says visible on. Make sure this is set to all-time frames, and you will then be able to see your drawings on all timeframes. If the option is greyed out, this means you chose a point for your drawing that's out into the future (past current price). This disables the all-timeframes option. To avoid this, only select points that are within the price action.
  10. How do I make a round line for a cup and handle or a rounded bottom pattern? You can draw a curved line by using the 'draw polyline' tool. When you draw a polyline, it allows you to select multiple points, and you can double-click to end the line. The line defaults to straight, but if you right-click on the line and go to properties, you can check the smooth box to turn it into a curved line.
  11. Where can I add indicators? Press the three dots next to indicators, search for the desired indicator, and press 'apply'.
  12. I don't see an indicator that I usually use. What can I do? You can create a custom indicator in the custom indicator editor using JavaScript. If you don't know how to code, you can use the LLM AI assistant to generate the code for you. Press 'generate a new indicator code in AI', write in English what you're looking to do, and it will code it. It may take a few tries, as AI is not perfect. Click here to learn more.
  13. My alert on the trendline I drew is not working as it says, "you can't create alerts on lines that have base points in the future." How do I fix this? When you draw a line, you have to select two points: one to start the line and one to close the line. If either of those points lives outside of price action (in the future, where there is no price action yet), you will not be able to create an alert on that line. Ensure both points are within price action to create an alert.
  14. Can I create my own custom annotation? Yes, you can. Click here to learn more.
  15. What is 'MTFA'? Multi-Timeframe Analysis (MTFA) allows you to use our charting tools from two timeframes on one chart at the same time. Click here to learn more.
  16. What are Auto Fibonaccis? Our system will calculate the most meaningful Fibonacci connection points on each timeframe while drawing a retracement. Click here to learn more.
  17. Can I have more than 12 levels for any type of Fibonacci drawings? You can build a custom indicator to do this without Auto Fibonaccis. At this time, the standard Auto Fibonacci levels are set at 12.
  18. I want to learn more about what auto trendlines do. Where can I do that? You can learn more here.
  19. Do the colors on auto trends mean anything? No, they are tied to the advanced customization settings. Click here to learn more.
  20. I want to keep the trendline on my chart using auto trends. How do I do that? Double-click on the desired trendline to lock it into place.
  21. I want to use auto candle pattern detection. How can I do that? Select the three dots next to candle pattern, choose the desired pattern, and turn on the feature by pressing the button along the top bar. Click here to learn more.
  22. What is the difference between candle patterns of 'TPS' and the candle patterns that don't say TPS? TPS is a candlestick definition from the website called 'The Pattern Site', while the ones without TPS are based on how our team interprets that pattern.
  23. I want to use auto chart pattern detection. How can I do that? Select the three dots next to chart pattern, choose the desired pattern, and turn on the feature by pressing the button along the top bar. Click here to learn more.
  24. Can I set alerts on chart patterns? No, but you can scan for them. The workaround is to use the ray line drawing tool (the first drawing tool in the upper left) and overlay a drawing mimicking the pattern identified. Then, right-click and set an alert on the trendline that overlaps the automated chart pattern.
  25. Do you have the cup and handle pattern in auto chart pattern recognition? No, but perhaps in the future we will have this pattern.
  26. What is Heatmap? It helps you identify automated support and resistance using various methods. Click here to learn more.
  27. What is the Truth in Analysis timestamp? The Truth in Analysis Line conveys the exact timestamp when analysis on any chart was completed and generally needs to be updated by the user. This line is tied to three features: Trendlines, Auto Fibonacci (Auto Fibs), and Heatmap. Click here to learn more.
  28. How do I update this? Select the 'refresh' button in the upper left-hand part of the toolbar or hover your mouse over the blue/yellow (dark mode) rectangle and select refresh and lock.
  29. How do I add dividends, earnings, analyst estimates, etc., to my chart? Select the three dots next to "Other Data" and checkmark them to add them. Click here to learn more.
  30. Do you have Market Breadth, Relative Performance, and Fundamental Data that I can add to my chart? Yes, select the three dots next to "Other Data" to add them.
  31. What is the 'What's Happening Now' feature? It is a tool for discovering new trading opportunities, showing various events such as option flow, fundamental data, and government trades. Click here to learn more.
  32. What is the Stock Market Maps feature? Stock Market Maps are a visual discovery tool that helps traders identify outliers within specific universes of symbols. Maps draw your attention to specific symbols, guiding you toward insights. Click here to learn more.
  33. Can I directly trade from the TrendSpider platform? Yes, using our trading widget. Click here to learn more. Please be aware you would need SignalStack to do so.
  34. Do you offer Footprint, Order Flow, or Renko Charts? No, at this time, we do not offer any of this type of data.
Mar 20, 2025

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