Displaying Custom Columns In Scan Results
On TrendSpider, you can have the list of your scan results displaying some technical indicators' values, in addition to typical set of "symbol, last price and change%". Namely, any line of any technical indicator you use in the scan, can be displayed as a column. In order to configure custom col... -
The Market Scanner from TrendSpider makes it easy to create a dynamic Smart Watchlist based on a set of custom-defined & multi-factored technical or fundamental criteria. You can define your own conditions or select from more than 70 built-in scans to search automatically across the markets o...
Multiple Timeframes & the Current Candle
The Market Scanner makes it easy to scan for opportunities across multiple timeframes. By adding another dimension to your analysis, you can find opportunities that are attractive across the short-, intermediate-, and long-term rather than only within a single timeframe. There are two ways to ... -
The Market Scanner includes a growing number of Pre-Built Scans to demonstrate how they work and get you quickly up and running. You can easily access these scans in the Market Scanner’s left panel by searching for them by name or by narrowing them down with hashtags. You can use these scans as-...
TrendSpider's Market Scanner supports a wide range of inputs in order to enable users to construct custom scanners that incorporate all aspects of their strategies. In this article, we take a deep dive into scanning using News Event data. Define Scope Scanning on News means finding symbols wher...
Using Non-Technical Data In Scanners
TrendSpider Market Scanner not only supports technical conditions (like indicators, price action, etc). You can also use non-technical conditions, like Earnings, Dividends, Splits and such. Non-technical data types supported Fundamentals List of fundamental data available to be used in the scan... -
Using Scanners in the Widget Bar (Smart Watchlists)
We call scanners which you launch in the widget sidebar "Smart Watchlists". They make it easy to create re-run scans without having to find and run them using the Market Scanner. You can access Smart Watchlists in a few steps: Use the Market Scanner to create a scan and Save it. In the right ...