Watch Lists allow you to effortlessly access and switch between different symbols you are following for efficient tracking and monitoring of the performance without flipping through charts every minute.
In this documentation, we will explore how to:
- Add Watch List Widget
- Create a Custom Watch List
- Add or Remove from Watch List
- Select Watch List
- Filter Watch List
- Read 52 Week Range
- Sort Symbols
- Edit Watch List
- Delete Watch List
- Share Watch List
- Clone Watch List
- Download as CSV
- Manage Visible Column
Let’s get started 🚀
Add Watch List Widget
Step 1: Sign in to your TrendSpider account and navigate to the right side of the interface to select the Watch List widget from the list.
Step 2: Click on the “Add to the Sidebar” option to add the Watch List widget.
The Watch List widget will populate in the sidebar column as can be observed below:
Create a Custom Watch List
Step 1: Click on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) to unlock multiple options for managing the Watch List and adding a new one.
Step 2: Select Create New Watchlist from the dropdown.
Step 3: A modal window for creating the Watch List will appear. Enter the name of your Watch List and find a symbol to add. To add the symbol, simply perform a quick search in the search field for any asset class either by typing the name or ticker symbol. The symbols you add will appear in the list.
Step 4: Click on CREATE and your Watch List will be added to the list.
The Watch Lists created by you are labeled with the “custom” tag in the list.
Add or Remove from Watch List
You can also add and remove the existing symbols you are viewing on the chart to your custom Watch List. Additionally, you can create a new Watch List directly from the Add or Remove from Watch List button.
Add and Remove Symbol to the Watchlist
Add or remove the symbol you are viewing on the chart to your custom Watch List by clicking on the 'Add or Remove from Watch List' button. From there, check the custom Watch List to which you want to add the symbol you are viewing. Uncheck to remove.
Types of Custom Watch List
There are two types of custom Watch List: Shared and Private.
- Shared Watch List: Accessible and viewable by everyone or with certain people (as defined)
- Private Watch List: Accessible and viewable only by the trader who created it.
The presence of a shareable icon (🔗) indicates that a Watch List is Public. Private Watch List if no such icon is annotated.
When adding any symbol to a public Watch List, a warning will appear indicating that the subscribers to your public Watch List will receive an updated copy immediately. Click on the YES to proceed ahead. You can also click on the Always “Yes” button to bypass this warning whenever adding symbols to the public Watch List.
Create a New Watchlist
Step 1: To create a new custom Watch List, click on the "Add or Remove from Watch Lists" button.
Step 2: Select Create New Watchlist from the dropdown.
Step 3: A modal window for creating the Watch List will appear. Enter the name of your Watch List and find a symbol to add.
To add the symbol, simply perform a quick search in the search field for any asset class either by typing the name or ticker symbol. The symbols you add will appear in the list.
Step 4: Click on CREATE and your Watch List will be added to the list.
The Watch Lists created by you are labeled with the “custom” tag in the list
Select Watch List
Apart from the custom Watch List you create, TrendSpider also offers premade watchlists to the traders like Russell 2000 Index, Dow Jones 30, S&P 500 Index, etc. You can scroll through the list and select any Watch List (custom or premade) you would like to access.
You can also perform a direct Search by entering the Watch List name in the search field and making the selection.
Filter Watch List
You can filter the Watch Lists in the listing by checking or unchecking the categories from the top where “Yours” denote the custom Watch Lists created by you.
Sort Symbols
Sort the symbols in the Watch List based on the color assigned. To add a color flag to any symbol within the Watch List, hover over the desired symbol, click on the vertical ellipse icon, and navigate to 'Add a Colour Flag.' Select the color of your choice from the options available.
Note: To clear the label, simply click on the vertical ellipse icon, and click on the *Remove the color flag*.
Once you have assigned the colors to the labels of your symbols, you can easily sort and rearrange them based on colors by clicking on the sort icon at the top right corner of the Watch List widget.
Edit Watch List
You can edit your custom Watch List to execute the following modifications:
- Change the name
- Add the symbols
- Remove the symbols
Note*: You cannot execute edits or add symbols to the pre-made watchlists like Russell 2000 Index, Dow Jones 30, S&P 500 Index, etc.*
Step 1: Select the “custom” Watch List from the listing you would like to edit.
Step 2: Click on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) of your Watch List.
Step 3: Select Edit from the dropdown list.
Step 4: A modal window for editing the Watch List will appear, allowing you to execute the necessary modifications.
1. Rename the Watch List
2. Add extra Symbols
3. Remove existing Symbols
After making the relevant changes, click on the Save and your Watch List will be updated.
Delete Watch List
You can remove your custom Watch List from the listing, however, you cannot remove the premade watchlists like Russell 2000 Index, Dow Jones 30, S&P 500 Index, etc.
Step 1: Select the “custom” Watch List from the listing you would like to remove.
Step 2: Click on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) of your Watch List.
Step 3: Select Delete from the dropdown list.
Step 4: A confirmation window will appear. Click on the Yes and the Watch List will be removed.
Share Watch List
TrendSpider allows traders to share their proprietary Watch List developed on the TrendSpider platform with their subscribers.
Step 1: Select the “custom” Watch List from the listing you would like to share.
Step 2: Click on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) of your Watch List.
Step 3: Select Share from the dropdown list.
Step 4: A modal window will appear providing you with the option to select who can access your Custom Watch List while sharing. You can select any of the following two from the dropdown: Everyone with a link can access or Only specific people can access and click on Share to generate the link.
Selecting Everyone with the link generates a special link that anyone can use to subscribe and receive access to your watchlists. If they open the link, they will see a special page that describes what’s behind the link. If they click “Import this List”, they will be redirected to a TrendSpider application and confirmation request.
Selecting Certain People allows you to invite specific people via email. If they are TrendSpider customers, they will receive an email invitation and an in-app notification prompting them to access the materials. If they are not TrendSpider’s customers, they will receive an email invitation containing your affiliate link, if applicable.
Note*: You’re limited to five non-customer emails per share to prevent possible spam abuse. If you need to add more, please*contact us to discuss raising your personal limits.
If the content owner updates the sharing mode from a public link to specific emails, then everyone already subscribed to Watch List will lose access unless they are invited via email.
If the content owner revokes the public access to the Watch List, whether shared with everyone or specific people, then users subscribed to such Watch List will lose their access immediately.
Note: If the content owner updates the Watch List, then all the subscribers shall receive the updates in real-time.
Note: If the content owner removes the Watch List or scanner entirely; subscribers to that watch list or scanner immediately lose access.
Clone Watch List
When an existing Watch List is cloned, a complete copy of all the symbols added within it is done which you can use as a base for creating a new Watch List.
Step 1: Select the “custom” Watch List from the listing you would like to clone.
Step 2: Click on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) of your Watch List.
Step 3: Select Clone into a new Watch List from the dropdown list.
Step 4: A modal window for cloning the Watch List will appear, allowing you to create a new Watch List by using the existing configuration as a base.
Step 5: You can choose to keep the existing configurations or edit the same for Name and added Symbols. Once done, then click on Create and the new Watch List will appear in the listing.
Download as CSV
You can easily download any Watch list in the CSV data by following the steps outlined below:
Step 1: Select the “custom” Watch List from the listing you would like to download in CSV format.
Step 2: Click on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) of your Watch List.
Step 3: Select Download as CSV from the dropdown list.
Your Custom Watchlist is successfully downloaded in a CSV format.
Manage Visible Column
Customize your Watch List's visible columns to focus on specific information, enhancing your ability to analyze and monitor financial trends efficiently. Follow the steps below to customize the columns based on your monitoring or analysis requirements.
Step 1: Click on the “custom” Watch List from the listing for which you want to modify the visible columns.
Step 2: Click on the vertical ellipsis (⋮) of your Watch List.
Step 3: Navigate to the Manage Visible Column and check the columns you want to add or uncheck those you wish to remove from the visible columns in your Watch list.
You can check your selected visible columns within your Watch List. For example we have selected Last, coloured; Change%, since close; Change$, since close and Chnage% vs 52 High (US equity, Fx)