Market Breadth Symbols Complete List

TrendSpider offers 3000+ unique Market Breadth Symbols that can be utilized across the platform. Each symbol contains a prefix which defines the breadth reading and the suffix which defines the index. Below is a complete list of all available symbols. To learn more about how Market Breadth Symbols can be used on TrendSpider, please read through our Developer Documentation.

Use CTRL+F to quickly find a breadth symbol you are looking for. But really, just use Symbol Search within the platform!

The prefix denotes the specific data series to be used in the symbol.

$AD - Advance Decline Ratio
$ADL - Advance Decline Line
$MA5 - Symbols above SMA(5)
$MA10 - Symbols above SMA(10)
$MA20 - Symbols above SMA(20)
$MA50 - Symbols above SMA(50)
$MA70 - Symbols above SMA(70)
$MA100 - Symbols above SMA(100)
$MA200 - Symbols above SMA(200)
$MCL - McClellan Oscillator
$H14 - Symbols making new 14d highs
$H21 - Symbols making new 21d highs
$H64 - Symbols making new 64d highs
$L14 - Symbols making new 14d lows
$L21 - Symbols making new 21d lows
$L63 - Symbols making new 63d lows
$HL52 - Net 52wk high/low symbols

The suffix denotes the specific sector or list of names being used. Here are a few examples.

$..AA - Amex Airline Index
$..AGB - Amex Gold Bugs Index 
$..DJ30 - Dow Jones 30 Index 
$..DJC - Dow Jones Composite Index 
$..DJTA - Dow Jones Transportation Average Index 
$..KB - KBW Bank Sector Index 
$..N100 - Nasdaq 100 Index 
$..NB - Nasdaq Bank Index 
$..NC - Nasdaq Composite Index 
$..POS - PHLX Oil Service Sector Index 
$..R2000 - Russell 2000 Index 
$..SP100 - S&P100 Index 
$..SP500 - S&P500 Index 
$..BI - Basic Industries sector 
$..CG - Capital Goods sector 
$..CD - Consumer Durables sector 
$..CND - Consumer Non-Durables sector 
$..ENE - Energy sector 
$..FIN - Finance sector 
$..HC - Health Care sector 
$..TEC - Technology sector

Full list of Market Breadth symbols supported

NOTE: despite the ttitle above saying "full", this list can be incomplete. Namely, MccL

symbol description
$ADAHI Advance/decline ratio in Accident &Health Insurance
$ADAC Advance/decline ratio in Acquisition corp
$ADADV Advance/decline ratio in Advertising
$ADAER Advance/decline ratio in Aerospace
$ADAC Advance/decline ratio in Agricultural Chemicals
$ADAFDS Advance/decline ratio in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$ADALU Advance/decline ratio in Aluminum
$ADAA Advance/decline ratio in Amex Airline (Index)
$ADAGB Advance/decline ratio in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$ADAO Advance/decline ratio in Amex Oil (Index)
$ADAP Advance/decline ratio in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$ADAPP Advance/decline ratio in Apparel
$ADAHSS Advance/decline ratio in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$ADAM Advance/decline ratio in Auto Manufacturing
$ADAPOEM Advance/decline ratio in Auto Parts
$ADAA Advance/decline ratio in Automotive Aftermarket
$ADBAN Advance/decline ratio in Banks
$ADBM Advance/decline ratio in Basic Materials
$ADBPD Advance/decline ratio in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$ADBBPNDS Advance/decline ratio in Biotechnology
$ADBCPBR Advance/decline ratio in Biotechnology
$ADBEEA Advance/decline ratio in Biotechnology
$ADBIVIVDS Advance/decline ratio in Biotechnology
$ADBLAI Advance/decline ratio in Biotechnology
$ADBPP Advance/decline ratio in Biotechnology
$ADBC Advance/decline ratio in Blank Checks
$ADBOO Advance/decline ratio in Books
$ADBRO Advance/decline ratio in Broadcasting
$ADBM Advance/decline ratio in Building Materials
$ADBO Advance/decline ratio in Building operators
$ADBP Advance/decline ratio in Building Products
$ADBS Advance/decline ratio in Business Services
$ADCOPTS Advance/decline ratio in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$ADCSD Advance/decline ratio in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$ADCSAS Advance/decline ratio in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$ADCM Advance/decline ratio in Coal Mining
$ADCB Advance/decline ratio in Commercial Banks
$ADCCE Advance/decline ratio in Computer Communications Equipment
$ADCM Advance/decline ratio in Computer Manufacturing
$ADCPE Advance/decline ratio in Computer peripheral equipment
$ADCSPS Advance/decline ratio in Computer Software
$ADCSPDP Advance/decline ratio in Computer Software
$ADCAET Advance/decline ratio in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$ADCD Advance/decline ratio in Consumer Discretionary
$ADCEA Advance/decline ratio in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$ADCEVC Advance/decline ratio in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$ADCS Advance/decline ratio in Consumer Specialties
$ADCS Advance/decline ratio in Consumer Staples
$ADCP Advance/decline ratio in Containers/Packaging
$ADDSRS Advance/decline ratio in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$ADDCS Advance/decline ratio in Diversified Commercial Services
$ADDEP Advance/decline ratio in Diversified Electronic Products
$ADDFS Advance/decline ratio in Diversified Financial Services
$ADDJ30 Advance/decline ratio in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$ADDJC Advance/decline ratio in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$ADDJTA Advance/decline ratio in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$ADDG Advance/decline ratio in Durable Goods
$ADES Advance/decline ratio in EDP Services
$ADEUC Advance/decline ratio in Electric Utilities
$ADEP Advance/decline ratio in Electrical Products
$ADEC Advance/decline ratio in Electronic Components
$ADED Advance/decline ratio in Electronics Distribution
$ADENE Advance/decline ratio in Energy
$ADEC Advance/decline ratio in Engineering & Construction
$ADES Advance/decline ratio in Environmental Services
$ADFSM Advance/decline ratio in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$ADFIN Advance/decline ratio in Finance
$ADFC Advance/decline ratio in Finance Companies
$ADFCS Advance/decline ratio in Finance
$ADFIS Advance/decline ratio in Finance/Investors Services
$ADFC Advance/decline ratio in Fluid Controls
$ADFC Advance/decline ratio in Food Chains
$ADFD Advance/decline ratio in Food Distributors
$ADFP Advance/decline ratio in Forest Products
$ADGBCNB Advance/decline ratio in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$ADHC Advance/decline ratio in Health Care
$ADHF Advance/decline ratio in Home Furnishings
$ADHOM Advance/decline ratio in Homebuilding
$ADHNM Advance/decline ratio in Hospital/Nursing Management
$ADHR Advance/decline ratio in Hotels/Resorts
$ADIMC Advance/decline ratio in Industrial Machinery/Components
$ADIS Advance/decline ratio in Industrial Specialties
$ADIND Advance/decline ratio in Industrials
$ADIOC Advance/decline ratio in Integrated oil Companies
$ADIBBS Advance/decline ratio in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$ADIM Advance/decline ratio in Investment Managers
$ADKB Advance/decline ratio in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$ADLI Advance/decline ratio in Life Insurance
$ADMB Advance/decline ratio in Major Banks
$ADMC Advance/decline ratio in Major Chemicals
$ADMHC Advance/decline ratio in Managed Health Care
$ADMT Advance/decline ratio in Marine Transportation
$ADMPF Advance/decline ratio in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$ADME Advance/decline ratio in Medical Electronics
$ADMS Advance/decline ratio in Medical Specialities
$ADMDI Advance/decline ratio in Medical/Dental Instruments
$ADMNS Advance/decline ratio in Medical/Nursing Services
$ADMCABP Advance/decline ratio in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$ADMF Advance/decline ratio in Metal Fabrications
$ADMM Advance/decline ratio in Metal Mining
$ADMGT Advance/decline ratio in Military/Government/Technical
$ADMQONMNF Advance/decline ratio in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$ADMCLS Advance/decline ratio in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$ADMHABS Advance/decline ratio in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$ADMIS Advance/decline ratio in Miscellaneous
$ADMIS Advance/decline ratio in Miscellaneous
$ADMMI Advance/decline ratio in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$ADMV Advance/decline ratio in Motor Vehicles
$ADME Advance/decline ratio in Movies/Entertainment
$ADMC Advance/decline ratio in Multi-Sector Companies
$ADN100 Advance/decline ratio in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$ADNB Advance/decline ratio in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$ADNF100 Advance/decline ratio in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$ADNI Advance/decline ratio in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$ADNNC Advance/decline ratio in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$ADNT Advance/decline ratio in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$ADNGD Advance/decline ratio in Natural Gas Distribution
$ADNM Advance/decline ratio in Newspapers/Magazines
$ADNC Advance/decline ratio in NYSE Composite (Index)
$ADOESS Advance/decline ratio in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$ADOGP Advance/decline ratio in Oil & Gas Production
$ADORM Advance/decline ratio in Oil Refining/Marketing
$ADOGT Advance/decline ratio in Oil/Gas Transmission
$ADOSE Advance/decline ratio in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$ADOG Advance/decline ratio in Ophthalmic Goods
$ADOAA Advance/decline ratio in Ordnance And Accessories
$ADOCS Advance/decline ratio in Other Consumer Services
$ADOMAM Advance/decline ratio in Other Metals and Minerals
$ADOP Advance/decline ratio in Other Pharmaceuticals
$ADOSS Advance/decline ratio in Other Specialty Stores
$ADPGC Advance/decline ratio in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$ADPF Advance/decline ratio in Packaged Foods
$ADPC Advance/decline ratio in Paints/Coatings
$ADPAP Advance/decline ratio in Paper
$ADPAB Advance/decline ratio in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$ADPSGS Advance/decline ratio in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$ADPOS Advance/decline ratio in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$ADPP Advance/decline ratio in Plastic Products
$ADPCE Advance/decline ratio in Pollution Control Equipment
$ADPG Advance/decline ratio in Power Generation
$ADPM Advance/decline ratio in Precious Metals
$ADPI Advance/decline ratio in Precision Instruments
$ADPACE Advance/decline ratio in Professional and commerical equipment
$ADPS Advance/decline ratio in Professional Services
$ADPCI Advance/decline ratio in Property-Casualty Insurers
$ADPUB Advance/decline ratio in Publishing
$ADRATBACE Advance/decline ratio in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$ADRAI Advance/decline ratio in Railroads
$ADRE Advance/decline ratio in Real Estate
$ADREIT Advance/decline ratio in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$ADRGPT Advance/decline ratio in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$ADRLC Advance/decline ratio in Rental/Leasing Companies
$ADRES Advance/decline ratio in Restaurants
$ADRADAGS Advance/decline ratio in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$ADRDSAPS Advance/decline ratio in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$ADRBM Advance/decline ratio in RETAIL
$ADRCSPE Advance/decline ratio in Retail
$ADR2000 Advance/decline ratio in Russell 2000 (Index)
$ADSP100 Advance/decline ratio in S&P 100 (Index)
$ADSP500 Advance/decline ratio in S&P 500 (Index)
$ADSPM400 Advance/decline ratio in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$ADSPS600 Advance/decline ratio in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$ADSI Advance/decline ratio in Savings Institutions
$ADSEM Advance/decline ratio in Semiconductors
$ADSMAR Advance/decline ratio in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$ADSM Advance/decline ratio in Shoe Manufacturing
$ADSC Advance/decline ratio in Specialty Chemicals
$ADSF Advance/decline ratio in Specialty Foods
$ADSI Advance/decline ratio in Specialty Insurers
$ADSIO Advance/decline ratio in Steel/Iron Ore
$ADTEC Advance/decline ratio in Technology
$ADTEL Advance/decline ratio in Telecommunications
$ADTE Advance/decline ratio in Telecommunications Equipment
$ADTEX Advance/decline ratio in Textiles
$ADTOB Advance/decline ratio in Tobacco
$ADTH Advance/decline ratio in Tools/Hardware
$ADTS Advance/decline ratio in Transportation Services
$ADTFCS Advance/decline ratio in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$ADTEERAC Advance/decline ratio in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$ADUTI Advance/decline ratio in Utilities
$ADWSPCPLC Advance/decline ratio in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$ADWS Advance/decline ratio in Water Supply
$ADWD Advance/decline ratio in Wholesale Distributors
$ADLAHI Advance/decline line in Accident &Health Insurance
$ADLAC Advance/decline line in Acquisition corp
$ADLADV Advance/decline line in Advertising
$ADLAER Advance/decline line in Aerospace
$ADLAC Advance/decline line in Agricultural Chemicals
$ADLAFDS Advance/decline line in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$ADLALU Advance/decline line in Aluminum
$ADLAA Advance/decline line in Amex Airline (Index)
$ADLAGB Advance/decline line in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$ADLAO Advance/decline line in Amex Oil (Index)
$ADLAP Advance/decline line in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$ADLAPP Advance/decline line in Apparel
$ADLAHSS Advance/decline line in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$ADLAM Advance/decline line in Auto Manufacturing
$ADLAPOEM Advance/decline line in Auto Parts
$ADLAA Advance/decline line in Automotive Aftermarket
$ADLBAN Advance/decline line in Banks
$ADLBM Advance/decline line in Basic Materials
$ADLBPD Advance/decline line in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$ADLBBPNDS Advance/decline line in Biotechnology
$ADLBCPBR Advance/decline line in Biotechnology
$ADLBEEA Advance/decline line in Biotechnology
$ADLBIVIVDS Advance/decline line in Biotechnology
$ADLBLAI Advance/decline line in Biotechnology
$ADLBPP Advance/decline line in Biotechnology
$ADLBC Advance/decline line in Blank Checks
$ADLBOO Advance/decline line in Books
$ADLBRO Advance/decline line in Broadcasting
$ADLBM Advance/decline line in Building Materials
$ADLBO Advance/decline line in Building operators
$ADLBP Advance/decline line in Building Products
$ADLBS Advance/decline line in Business Services
$ADLCOPTS Advance/decline line in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$ADLCSD Advance/decline line in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$ADLCSAS Advance/decline line in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$ADLCM Advance/decline line in Coal Mining
$ADLCB Advance/decline line in Commercial Banks
$ADLCCE Advance/decline line in Computer Communications Equipment
$ADLCM Advance/decline line in Computer Manufacturing
$ADLCPE Advance/decline line in Computer peripheral equipment
$ADLCSPS Advance/decline line in Computer Software
$ADLCSPDP Advance/decline line in Computer Software
$ADLCAET Advance/decline line in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$ADLCD Advance/decline line in Consumer Discretionary
$ADLCEA Advance/decline line in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$ADLCEVC Advance/decline line in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$ADLCS Advance/decline line in Consumer Specialties
$ADLCS Advance/decline line in Consumer Staples
$ADLCP Advance/decline line in Containers/Packaging
$ADLDSRS Advance/decline line in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$ADLDCS Advance/decline line in Diversified Commercial Services
$ADLDEP Advance/decline line in Diversified Electronic Products
$ADLDFS Advance/decline line in Diversified Financial Services
$ADLDJ30 Advance/decline line in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$ADLDJC Advance/decline line in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$ADLDJTA Advance/decline line in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$ADLDG Advance/decline line in Durable Goods
$ADLES Advance/decline line in EDP Services
$ADLEUC Advance/decline line in Electric Utilities
$ADLEP Advance/decline line in Electrical Products
$ADLEC Advance/decline line in Electronic Components
$ADLED Advance/decline line in Electronics Distribution
$ADLENE Advance/decline line in Energy
$ADLEC Advance/decline line in Engineering & Construction
$ADLES Advance/decline line in Environmental Services
$ADLFSM Advance/decline line in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$ADLFIN Advance/decline line in Finance
$ADLFC Advance/decline line in Finance Companies
$ADLFCS Advance/decline line in Finance
$ADLFIS Advance/decline line in Finance/Investors Services
$ADLFC Advance/decline line in Fluid Controls
$ADLFC Advance/decline line in Food Chains
$ADLFD Advance/decline line in Food Distributors
$ADLFP Advance/decline line in Forest Products
$ADLGBCNB Advance/decline line in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$ADLHC Advance/decline line in Health Care
$ADLHF Advance/decline line in Home Furnishings
$ADLHOM Advance/decline line in Homebuilding
$ADLHNM Advance/decline line in Hospital/Nursing Management
$ADLHR Advance/decline line in Hotels/Resorts
$ADLIMC Advance/decline line in Industrial Machinery/Components
$ADLIS Advance/decline line in Industrial Specialties
$ADLIND Advance/decline line in Industrials
$ADLIOC Advance/decline line in Integrated oil Companies
$ADLIBBS Advance/decline line in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$ADLIM Advance/decline line in Investment Managers
$ADLKB Advance/decline line in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$ADLLI Advance/decline line in Life Insurance
$ADLMB Advance/decline line in Major Banks
$ADLMC Advance/decline line in Major Chemicals
$ADLMHC Advance/decline line in Managed Health Care
$ADLMT Advance/decline line in Marine Transportation
$ADLMPF Advance/decline line in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$ADLME Advance/decline line in Medical Electronics
$ADLMS Advance/decline line in Medical Specialities
$ADLMDI Advance/decline line in Medical/Dental Instruments
$ADLMNS Advance/decline line in Medical/Nursing Services
$ADLMCABP Advance/decline line in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$ADLMF Advance/decline line in Metal Fabrications
$ADLMM Advance/decline line in Metal Mining
$ADLMGT Advance/decline line in Military/Government/Technical
$ADLMQONMNF Advance/decline line in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$ADLMCLS Advance/decline line in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$ADLMHABS Advance/decline line in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$ADLMIS Advance/decline line in Miscellaneous
$ADLMIS Advance/decline line in Miscellaneous
$ADLMMI Advance/decline line in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$ADLMV Advance/decline line in Motor Vehicles
$ADLME Advance/decline line in Movies/Entertainment
$ADLMC Advance/decline line in Multi-Sector Companies
$ADLN100 Advance/decline line in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$ADLNB Advance/decline line in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$ADLNF100 Advance/decline line in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$ADLNI Advance/decline line in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$ADLNNC Advance/decline line in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$ADLNT Advance/decline line in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$ADLNGD Advance/decline line in Natural Gas Distribution
$ADLNM Advance/decline line in Newspapers/Magazines
$ADLNC Advance/decline line in NYSE Composite (Index)
$ADLOESS Advance/decline line in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$ADLOGP Advance/decline line in Oil & Gas Production
$ADLORM Advance/decline line in Oil Refining/Marketing
$ADLOGT Advance/decline line in Oil/Gas Transmission
$ADLOSE Advance/decline line in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$ADLOG Advance/decline line in Ophthalmic Goods
$ADLOAA Advance/decline line in Ordnance And Accessories
$ADLOCS Advance/decline line in Other Consumer Services
$ADLOMAM Advance/decline line in Other Metals and Minerals
$ADLOP Advance/decline line in Other Pharmaceuticals
$ADLOSS Advance/decline line in Other Specialty Stores
$ADLPGC Advance/decline line in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$ADLPF Advance/decline line in Packaged Foods
$ADLPC Advance/decline line in Paints/Coatings
$ADLPAP Advance/decline line in Paper
$ADLPAB Advance/decline line in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$ADLPSGS Advance/decline line in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$ADLPOS Advance/decline line in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$ADLPP Advance/decline line in Plastic Products
$ADLPCE Advance/decline line in Pollution Control Equipment
$ADLPG Advance/decline line in Power Generation
$ADLPM Advance/decline line in Precious Metals
$ADLPI Advance/decline line in Precision Instruments
$ADLPACE Advance/decline line in Professional and commerical equipment
$ADLPS Advance/decline line in Professional Services
$ADLPCI Advance/decline line in Property-Casualty Insurers
$ADLPUB Advance/decline line in Publishing
$ADLRATBACE Advance/decline line in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$ADLRAI Advance/decline line in Railroads
$ADLRE Advance/decline line in Real Estate
$ADLREIT Advance/decline line in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$ADLRGPT Advance/decline line in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$ADLRLC Advance/decline line in Rental/Leasing Companies
$ADLRES Advance/decline line in Restaurants
$ADLRADAGS Advance/decline line in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$ADLRDSAPS Advance/decline line in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$ADLRBM Advance/decline line in RETAIL
$ADLRCSPE Advance/decline line in Retail
$ADLR2000 Advance/decline line in Russell 2000 (Index)
$ADLSP100 Advance/decline line in S&P 100 (Index)
$ADLSP500 Advance/decline line in S&P 500 (Index)
$ADLSPM400 Advance/decline line in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$ADLSPS600 Advance/decline line in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$ADLSI Advance/decline line in Savings Institutions
$ADLSEM Advance/decline line in Semiconductors
$ADLSMAR Advance/decline line in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$ADLSM Advance/decline line in Shoe Manufacturing
$ADLSC Advance/decline line in Specialty Chemicals
$ADLSF Advance/decline line in Specialty Foods
$ADLSI Advance/decline line in Specialty Insurers
$ADLSIO Advance/decline line in Steel/Iron Ore
$ADLTEC Advance/decline line in Technology
$ADLTEL Advance/decline line in Telecommunications
$ADLTE Advance/decline line in Telecommunications Equipment
$ADLTEX Advance/decline line in Textiles
$ADLTOB Advance/decline line in Tobacco
$ADLTH Advance/decline line in Tools/Hardware
$ADLTS Advance/decline line in Transportation Services
$ADLTFCS Advance/decline line in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$ADLTEERAC Advance/decline line in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$ADLUTI Advance/decline line in Utilities
$ADLWSPCPLC Advance/decline line in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$ADLWS Advance/decline line in Water Supply
$ADLWD Advance/decline line in Wholesale Distributors
$MCLAHI McClellan Oscillator in Accident &Health Insurance
$MCLAC McClellan Oscillator in Acquisition corp
$MCLADV McClellan Oscillator in Advertising
$MCLAER McClellan Oscillator in Aerospace
$MCLAC McClellan Oscillator in Agricultural Chemicals
$MCLAFDS McClellan Oscillator in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$MCLALU McClellan Oscillator in Aluminum
$MCLAA McClellan Oscillator in Amex Airline (Index)
$MCLAGB McClellan Oscillator in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$MCLAO McClellan Oscillator in Amex Oil (Index)
$MCLAP McClellan Oscillator in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$MCLAPP McClellan Oscillator in Apparel
$MCLAHSS McClellan Oscillator in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$MCLAM McClellan Oscillator in Auto Manufacturing
$MCLAPOEM McClellan Oscillator in Auto Parts
$MCLAA McClellan Oscillator in Automotive Aftermarket
$MCLBAN McClellan Oscillator in Banks
$MCLBM McClellan Oscillator in Basic Materials
$MCLBPD McClellan Oscillator in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$MCLBBPNDS McClellan Oscillator in Biotechnology
$MCLBCPBR McClellan Oscillator in Biotechnology
$MCLBEEA McClellan Oscillator in Biotechnology
$MCLBIVIVDS McClellan Oscillator in Biotechnology
$MCLBLAI McClellan Oscillator in Biotechnology
$MCLBPP McClellan Oscillator in Biotechnology
$MCLBC McClellan Oscillator in Blank Checks
$MCLBOO McClellan Oscillator in Books
$MCLBRO McClellan Oscillator in Broadcasting
$MCLBM McClellan Oscillator in Building Materials
$MCLBO McClellan Oscillator in Building operators
$MCLBP McClellan Oscillator in Building Products
$MCLBS McClellan Oscillator in Business Services
$MCLCOPTS McClellan Oscillator in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$MCLCSD McClellan Oscillator in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$MCLCSAS McClellan Oscillator in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$MCLCM McClellan Oscillator in Coal Mining
$MCLCB McClellan Oscillator in Commercial Banks
$MCLCCE McClellan Oscillator in Computer Communications Equipment
$MCLCM McClellan Oscillator in Computer Manufacturing
$MCLCPE McClellan Oscillator in Computer peripheral equipment
$MCLCSPS McClellan Oscillator in Computer Software
$MCLCSPDP McClellan Oscillator in Computer Software
$MCLCAET McClellan Oscillator in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$MCLCD McClellan Oscillator in Consumer Discretionary
$MCLCEA McClellan Oscillator in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$MCLCEVC McClellan Oscillator in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$MCLCS McClellan Oscillator in Consumer Specialties
$MCLCS McClellan Oscillator in Consumer Staples
$MCLCP McClellan Oscillator in Containers/Packaging
$MCLDSRS McClellan Oscillator in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$MCLDCS McClellan Oscillator in Diversified Commercial Services
$MCLDEP McClellan Oscillator in Diversified Electronic Products
$MCLDFS McClellan Oscillator in Diversified Financial Services
$MCLDJ30 McClellan Oscillator in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$MCLDJC McClellan Oscillator in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$MCLDJTA McClellan Oscillator in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$MCLDG McClellan Oscillator in Durable Goods
$MCLES McClellan Oscillator in EDP Services
$MCLEUC McClellan Oscillator in Electric Utilities
$MCLEP McClellan Oscillator in Electrical Products
$MCLEC McClellan Oscillator in Electronic Components
$MCLED McClellan Oscillator in Electronics Distribution
$MCLENE McClellan Oscillator in Energy
$MCLEC McClellan Oscillator in Engineering & Construction
$MCLES McClellan Oscillator in Environmental Services
$MCLFSM McClellan Oscillator in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$MCLFIN McClellan Oscillator in Finance
$MCLFC McClellan Oscillator in Finance Companies
$MCLFCS McClellan Oscillator in Finance
$MCLFIS McClellan Oscillator in Finance/Investors Services
$MCLFC McClellan Oscillator in Fluid Controls
$MCLFC McClellan Oscillator in Food Chains
$MCLFD McClellan Oscillator in Food Distributors
$MCLFP McClellan Oscillator in Forest Products
$MCLGBCNB McClellan Oscillator in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$MCLHC McClellan Oscillator in Health Care
$MCLHF McClellan Oscillator in Home Furnishings
$MCLHOM McClellan Oscillator in Homebuilding
$MCLHNM McClellan Oscillator in Hospital/Nursing Management
$MCLHR McClellan Oscillator in Hotels/Resorts
$MCLIMC McClellan Oscillator in Industrial Machinery/Components
$MCLIS McClellan Oscillator in Industrial Specialties
$MCLIND McClellan Oscillator in Industrials
$MCLIOC McClellan Oscillator in Integrated oil Companies
$MCLIBBS McClellan Oscillator in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$MCLIM McClellan Oscillator in Investment Managers
$MCLKB McClellan Oscillator in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$MCLLI McClellan Oscillator in Life Insurance
$MCLMB McClellan Oscillator in Major Banks
$MCLMC McClellan Oscillator in Major Chemicals
$MCLMHC McClellan Oscillator in Managed Health Care
$MCLMT McClellan Oscillator in Marine Transportation
$MCLMPF McClellan Oscillator in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$MCLME McClellan Oscillator in Medical Electronics
$MCLMS McClellan Oscillator in Medical Specialities
$MCLMDI McClellan Oscillator in Medical/Dental Instruments
$MCLMNS McClellan Oscillator in Medical/Nursing Services
$MCLMCABP McClellan Oscillator in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$MCLMF McClellan Oscillator in Metal Fabrications
$MCLMM McClellan Oscillator in Metal Mining
$MCLMGT McClellan Oscillator in Military/Government/Technical
$MCLMQONMNF McClellan Oscillator in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$MCLMCLS McClellan Oscillator in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$MCLMHABS McClellan Oscillator in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$MCLMIS McClellan Oscillator in Miscellaneous
$MCLMIS McClellan Oscillator in Miscellaneous
$MCLMMI McClellan Oscillator in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$MCLMV McClellan Oscillator in Motor Vehicles
$MCLME McClellan Oscillator in Movies/Entertainment
$MCLMC McClellan Oscillator in Multi-Sector Companies
$MCLN100 McClellan Oscillator in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$MCLNB McClellan Oscillator in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$MCLNF100 McClellan Oscillator in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$MCLNI McClellan Oscillator in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$MCLNNC McClellan Oscillator in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$MCLNT McClellan Oscillator in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$MCLNGD McClellan Oscillator in Natural Gas Distribution
$MCLNM McClellan Oscillator in Newspapers/Magazines
$MCLNC McClellan Oscillator in NYSE Composite (Index)
$MCLOESS McClellan Oscillator in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$MCLOGP McClellan Oscillator in Oil & Gas Production
$MCLORM McClellan Oscillator in Oil Refining/Marketing
$MCLOGT McClellan Oscillator in Oil/Gas Transmission
$MCLOSE McClellan Oscillator in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$MCLOG McClellan Oscillator in Ophthalmic Goods
$MCLOAA McClellan Oscillator in Ordnance And Accessories
$MCLOCS McClellan Oscillator in Other Consumer Services
$MCLOMAM McClellan Oscillator in Other Metals and Minerals
$MCLOP McClellan Oscillator in Other Pharmaceuticals
$MCLOSS McClellan Oscillator in Other Specialty Stores
$MCLPGC McClellan Oscillator in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$MCLPF McClellan Oscillator in Packaged Foods
$MCLPC McClellan Oscillator in Paints/Coatings
$MCLPAP McClellan Oscillator in Paper
$MCLPAB McClellan Oscillator in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$MCLPSGS McClellan Oscillator in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$MCLPOS McClellan Oscillator in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$MCLPP McClellan Oscillator in Plastic Products
$MCLPCE McClellan Oscillator in Pollution Control Equipment
$MCLPG McClellan Oscillator in Power Generation
$MCLPM McClellan Oscillator in Precious Metals
$MCLPI McClellan Oscillator in Precision Instruments
$MCLPACE McClellan Oscillator in Professional and commerical equipment
$MCLPS McClellan Oscillator in Professional Services
$MCLPCI McClellan Oscillator in Property-Casualty Insurers
$MCLPUB McClellan Oscillator in Publishing
$MCLRATBACE McClellan Oscillator in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$MCLRAI McClellan Oscillator in Railroads
$MCLRE McClellan Oscillator in Real Estate
$MCLREIT McClellan Oscillator in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$MCLRGPT McClellan Oscillator in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$MCLRLC McClellan Oscillator in Rental/Leasing Companies
$MCLRES McClellan Oscillator in Restaurants
$MCLRADAGS McClellan Oscillator in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$MCLRDSAPS McClellan Oscillator in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$MCLRBM McClellan Oscillator in RETAIL
$MCLRCSPE McClellan Oscillator in Retail
$MCLR2000 McClellan Oscillator in Russell 2000 (Index)
$MCLSP100 McClellan Oscillator in S&P 100 (Index)
$MCLSP500 McClellan Oscillator in S&P 500 (Index)
$MCLSPM400 McClellan Oscillator in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$MCLSPS600 McClellan Oscillator in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$MCLSI McClellan Oscillator in Savings Institutions
$MCLSEM McClellan Oscillator in Semiconductors
$MCLSMAR McClellan Oscillator in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$MCLSM McClellan Oscillator in Shoe Manufacturing
$MCLSC McClellan Oscillator in Specialty Chemicals
$MCLSF McClellan Oscillator in Specialty Foods
$MCLSI McClellan Oscillator in Specialty Insurers
$MCLSIO McClellan Oscillator in Steel/Iron Ore
$MCLTEC McClellan Oscillator in Technology
$MCLTEL McClellan Oscillator in Telecommunications
$MCLTE McClellan Oscillator in Telecommunications Equipment
$MCLTEX McClellan Oscillator in Textiles
$MCLTOB McClellan Oscillator in Tobacco
$MCLTH McClellan Oscillator in Tools/Hardware
$MCLTS McClellan Oscillator in Transportation Services
$MCLTFCS McClellan Oscillator in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$MCLTEERAC McClellan Oscillator in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$MCLUTI McClellan Oscillator in Utilities
$MCLWSPCPLC McClellan Oscillator in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$MCLWS McClellan Oscillator in Water Supply
$MCLWD McClellan Oscillator in Wholesale Distributors
$MA5AHI Symbols above sma(5) in Accident &Health Insurance
$MA5AC Symbols above sma(5) in Acquisition corp
$MA5ADV Symbols above sma(5) in Advertising
$MA5AER Symbols above sma(5) in Aerospace
$MA5AC Symbols above sma(5) in Agricultural Chemicals
$MA5AFDS Symbols above sma(5) in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$MA5ALU Symbols above sma(5) in Aluminum
$MA5AA Symbols above sma(5) in Amex Airline (Index)
$MA5AGB Symbols above sma(5) in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$MA5AO Symbols above sma(5) in Amex Oil (Index)
$MA5AP Symbols above sma(5) in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$MA5APP Symbols above sma(5) in Apparel
$MA5AHSS Symbols above sma(5) in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$MA5AM Symbols above sma(5) in Auto Manufacturing
$MA5APOEM Symbols above sma(5) in Auto Parts
$MA5AA Symbols above sma(5) in Automotive Aftermarket
$MA5BAN Symbols above sma(5) in Banks
$MA5BM Symbols above sma(5) in Basic Materials
$MA5BPD Symbols above sma(5) in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$MA5BBPNDS Symbols above sma(5) in Biotechnology
$MA5BCPBR Symbols above sma(5) in Biotechnology
$MA5BEEA Symbols above sma(5) in Biotechnology
$MA5BIVIVDS Symbols above sma(5) in Biotechnology
$MA5BLAI Symbols above sma(5) in Biotechnology
$MA5BPP Symbols above sma(5) in Biotechnology
$MA5BC Symbols above sma(5) in Blank Checks
$MA5BOO Symbols above sma(5) in Books
$MA5BRO Symbols above sma(5) in Broadcasting
$MA5BM Symbols above sma(5) in Building Materials
$MA5BO Symbols above sma(5) in Building operators
$MA5BP Symbols above sma(5) in Building Products
$MA5BS Symbols above sma(5) in Business Services
$MA5COPTS Symbols above sma(5) in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$MA5CSD Symbols above sma(5) in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$MA5CSAS Symbols above sma(5) in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$MA5CM Symbols above sma(5) in Coal Mining
$MA5CB Symbols above sma(5) in Commercial Banks
$MA5CCE Symbols above sma(5) in Computer Communications Equipment
$MA5CM Symbols above sma(5) in Computer Manufacturing
$MA5CPE Symbols above sma(5) in Computer peripheral equipment
$MA5CSPS Symbols above sma(5) in Computer Software
$MA5CSPDP Symbols above sma(5) in Computer Software
$MA5CAET Symbols above sma(5) in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$MA5CD Symbols above sma(5) in Consumer Discretionary
$MA5CEA Symbols above sma(5) in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$MA5CEVC Symbols above sma(5) in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$MA5CS Symbols above sma(5) in Consumer Specialties
$MA5CS Symbols above sma(5) in Consumer Staples
$MA5CP Symbols above sma(5) in Containers/Packaging
$MA5DSRS Symbols above sma(5) in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$MA5DCS Symbols above sma(5) in Diversified Commercial Services
$MA5DEP Symbols above sma(5) in Diversified Electronic Products
$MA5DFS Symbols above sma(5) in Diversified Financial Services
$MA5DJ30 Symbols above sma(5) in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$MA5DJC Symbols above sma(5) in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$MA5DJTA Symbols above sma(5) in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$MA5DG Symbols above sma(5) in Durable Goods
$MA5ES Symbols above sma(5) in EDP Services
$MA5EUC Symbols above sma(5) in Electric Utilities
$MA5EP Symbols above sma(5) in Electrical Products
$MA5EC Symbols above sma(5) in Electronic Components
$MA5ED Symbols above sma(5) in Electronics Distribution
$MA5ENE Symbols above sma(5) in Energy
$MA5EC Symbols above sma(5) in Engineering & Construction
$MA5ES Symbols above sma(5) in Environmental Services
$MA5FSM Symbols above sma(5) in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$MA5FIN Symbols above sma(5) in Finance
$MA5FC Symbols above sma(5) in Finance Companies
$MA5FCS Symbols above sma(5) in Finance
$MA5FIS Symbols above sma(5) in Finance/Investors Services
$MA5FC Symbols above sma(5) in Fluid Controls
$MA5FC Symbols above sma(5) in Food Chains
$MA5FD Symbols above sma(5) in Food Distributors
$MA5FP Symbols above sma(5) in Forest Products
$MA5GBCNB Symbols above sma(5) in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$MA5HC Symbols above sma(5) in Health Care
$MA5HF Symbols above sma(5) in Home Furnishings
$MA5HOM Symbols above sma(5) in Homebuilding
$MA5HNM Symbols above sma(5) in Hospital/Nursing Management
$MA5HR Symbols above sma(5) in Hotels/Resorts
$MA5IMC Symbols above sma(5) in Industrial Machinery/Components
$MA5IS Symbols above sma(5) in Industrial Specialties
$MA5IND Symbols above sma(5) in Industrials
$MA5IOC Symbols above sma(5) in Integrated oil Companies
$MA5IBBS Symbols above sma(5) in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$MA5IM Symbols above sma(5) in Investment Managers
$MA5KB Symbols above sma(5) in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$MA5LI Symbols above sma(5) in Life Insurance
$MA5MB Symbols above sma(5) in Major Banks
$MA5MC Symbols above sma(5) in Major Chemicals
$MA5MHC Symbols above sma(5) in Managed Health Care
$MA5MT Symbols above sma(5) in Marine Transportation
$MA5MPF Symbols above sma(5) in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$MA5ME Symbols above sma(5) in Medical Electronics
$MA5MS Symbols above sma(5) in Medical Specialities
$MA5MDI Symbols above sma(5) in Medical/Dental Instruments
$MA5MNS Symbols above sma(5) in Medical/Nursing Services
$MA5MCABP Symbols above sma(5) in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$MA5MF Symbols above sma(5) in Metal Fabrications
$MA5MM Symbols above sma(5) in Metal Mining
$MA5MGT Symbols above sma(5) in Military/Government/Technical
$MA5MQONMNF Symbols above sma(5) in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$MA5MCLS Symbols above sma(5) in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$MA5MHABS Symbols above sma(5) in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$MA5MIS Symbols above sma(5) in Miscellaneous
$MA5MIS Symbols above sma(5) in Miscellaneous
$MA5MMI Symbols above sma(5) in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$MA5MV Symbols above sma(5) in Motor Vehicles
$MA5ME Symbols above sma(5) in Movies/Entertainment
$MA5MC Symbols above sma(5) in Multi-Sector Companies
$MA5N100 Symbols above sma(5) in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$MA5NB Symbols above sma(5) in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$MA5NF100 Symbols above sma(5) in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$MA5NI Symbols above sma(5) in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$MA5NNC Symbols above sma(5) in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$MA5NT Symbols above sma(5) in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$MA5NGD Symbols above sma(5) in Natural Gas Distribution
$MA5NM Symbols above sma(5) in Newspapers/Magazines
$MA5NC Symbols above sma(5) in NYSE Composite (Index)
$MA5OESS Symbols above sma(5) in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$MA5OGP Symbols above sma(5) in Oil & Gas Production
$MA5ORM Symbols above sma(5) in Oil Refining/Marketing
$MA5OGT Symbols above sma(5) in Oil/Gas Transmission
$MA5OSE Symbols above sma(5) in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$MA5OG Symbols above sma(5) in Ophthalmic Goods
$MA5OAA Symbols above sma(5) in Ordnance And Accessories
$MA5OCS Symbols above sma(5) in Other Consumer Services
$MA5OMAM Symbols above sma(5) in Other Metals and Minerals
$MA5OP Symbols above sma(5) in Other Pharmaceuticals
$MA5OSS Symbols above sma(5) in Other Specialty Stores
$MA5PGC Symbols above sma(5) in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$MA5PF Symbols above sma(5) in Packaged Foods
$MA5PC Symbols above sma(5) in Paints/Coatings
$MA5PAP Symbols above sma(5) in Paper
$MA5PAB Symbols above sma(5) in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$MA5PSGS Symbols above sma(5) in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$MA5POS Symbols above sma(5) in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$MA5PP Symbols above sma(5) in Plastic Products
$MA5PCE Symbols above sma(5) in Pollution Control Equipment
$MA5PG Symbols above sma(5) in Power Generation
$MA5PM Symbols above sma(5) in Precious Metals
$MA5PI Symbols above sma(5) in Precision Instruments
$MA5PACE Symbols above sma(5) in Professional and commerical equipment
$MA5PS Symbols above sma(5) in Professional Services
$MA5PCI Symbols above sma(5) in Property-Casualty Insurers
$MA5PUB Symbols above sma(5) in Publishing
$MA5RATBACE Symbols above sma(5) in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$MA5RAI Symbols above sma(5) in Railroads
$MA5RE Symbols above sma(5) in Real Estate
$MA5REIT Symbols above sma(5) in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$MA5RGPT Symbols above sma(5) in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$MA5RLC Symbols above sma(5) in Rental/Leasing Companies
$MA5RES Symbols above sma(5) in Restaurants
$MA5RADAGS Symbols above sma(5) in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$MA5RDSAPS Symbols above sma(5) in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$MA5RBM Symbols above sma(5) in RETAIL
$MA5RCSPE Symbols above sma(5) in Retail
$MA5R2000 Symbols above sma(5) in Russell 2000 (Index)
$MA5SP100 Symbols above sma(5) in S&P 100 (Index)
$MA5SP500 Symbols above sma(5) in S&P 500 (Index)
$MA5SPM400 Symbols above sma(5) in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$MA5SPS600 Symbols above sma(5) in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$MA5SI Symbols above sma(5) in Savings Institutions
$MA5SEM Symbols above sma(5) in Semiconductors
$MA5SMAR Symbols above sma(5) in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$MA5SM Symbols above sma(5) in Shoe Manufacturing
$MA5SC Symbols above sma(5) in Specialty Chemicals
$MA5SF Symbols above sma(5) in Specialty Foods
$MA5SI Symbols above sma(5) in Specialty Insurers
$MA5SIO Symbols above sma(5) in Steel/Iron Ore
$MA5TEC Symbols above sma(5) in Technology
$MA5TEL Symbols above sma(5) in Telecommunications
$MA5TE Symbols above sma(5) in Telecommunications Equipment
$MA5TEX Symbols above sma(5) in Textiles
$MA5TOB Symbols above sma(5) in Tobacco
$MA5TH Symbols above sma(5) in Tools/Hardware
$MA5TS Symbols above sma(5) in Transportation Services
$MA5TFCS Symbols above sma(5) in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$MA5TEERAC Symbols above sma(5) in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$MA5UTI Symbols above sma(5) in Utilities
$MA5WSPCPLC Symbols above sma(5) in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$MA5WS Symbols above sma(5) in Water Supply
$MA5WD Symbols above sma(5) in Wholesale Distributors
$MA10AHI Symbols above sma(10) in Accident &Health Insurance
$MA10AC Symbols above sma(10) in Acquisition corp
$MA10ADV Symbols above sma(10) in Advertising
$MA10AER Symbols above sma(10) in Aerospace
$MA10AC Symbols above sma(10) in Agricultural Chemicals
$MA10AFDS Symbols above sma(10) in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$MA10ALU Symbols above sma(10) in Aluminum
$MA10AA Symbols above sma(10) in Amex Airline (Index)
$MA10AGB Symbols above sma(10) in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$MA10AO Symbols above sma(10) in Amex Oil (Index)
$MA10AP Symbols above sma(10) in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$MA10APP Symbols above sma(10) in Apparel
$MA10AHSS Symbols above sma(10) in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$MA10AM Symbols above sma(10) in Auto Manufacturing
$MA10APOEM Symbols above sma(10) in Auto Parts
$MA10AA Symbols above sma(10) in Automotive Aftermarket
$MA10BAN Symbols above sma(10) in Banks
$MA10BM Symbols above sma(10) in Basic Materials
$MA10BPD Symbols above sma(10) in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$MA10BBPNDS Symbols above sma(10) in Biotechnology
$MA10BCPBR Symbols above sma(10) in Biotechnology
$MA10BEEA Symbols above sma(10) in Biotechnology
$MA10BIVIVDS Symbols above sma(10) in Biotechnology
$MA10BLAI Symbols above sma(10) in Biotechnology
$MA10BPP Symbols above sma(10) in Biotechnology
$MA10BC Symbols above sma(10) in Blank Checks
$MA10BOO Symbols above sma(10) in Books
$MA10BRO Symbols above sma(10) in Broadcasting
$MA10BM Symbols above sma(10) in Building Materials
$MA10BO Symbols above sma(10) in Building operators
$MA10BP Symbols above sma(10) in Building Products
$MA10BS Symbols above sma(10) in Business Services
$MA10COPTS Symbols above sma(10) in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$MA10CSD Symbols above sma(10) in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$MA10CSAS Symbols above sma(10) in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$MA10CM Symbols above sma(10) in Coal Mining
$MA10CB Symbols above sma(10) in Commercial Banks
$MA10CCE Symbols above sma(10) in Computer Communications Equipment
$MA10CM Symbols above sma(10) in Computer Manufacturing
$MA10CPE Symbols above sma(10) in Computer peripheral equipment
$MA10CSPS Symbols above sma(10) in Computer Software
$MA10CSPDP Symbols above sma(10) in Computer Software
$MA10CAET Symbols above sma(10) in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$MA10CD Symbols above sma(10) in Consumer Discretionary
$MA10CEA Symbols above sma(10) in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$MA10CEVC Symbols above sma(10) in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$MA10CS Symbols above sma(10) in Consumer Specialties
$MA10CS Symbols above sma(10) in Consumer Staples
$MA10CP Symbols above sma(10) in Containers/Packaging
$MA10DSRS Symbols above sma(10) in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$MA10DCS Symbols above sma(10) in Diversified Commercial Services
$MA10DEP Symbols above sma(10) in Diversified Electronic Products
$MA10DFS Symbols above sma(10) in Diversified Financial Services
$MA10DJ30 Symbols above sma(10) in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$MA10DJC Symbols above sma(10) in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$MA10DJTA Symbols above sma(10) in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$MA10DG Symbols above sma(10) in Durable Goods
$MA10ES Symbols above sma(10) in EDP Services
$MA10EUC Symbols above sma(10) in Electric Utilities
$MA10EP Symbols above sma(10) in Electrical Products
$MA10EC Symbols above sma(10) in Electronic Components
$MA10ED Symbols above sma(10) in Electronics Distribution
$MA10ENE Symbols above sma(10) in Energy
$MA10EC Symbols above sma(10) in Engineering & Construction
$MA10ES Symbols above sma(10) in Environmental Services
$MA10FSM Symbols above sma(10) in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$MA10FIN Symbols above sma(10) in Finance
$MA10FC Symbols above sma(10) in Finance Companies
$MA10FCS Symbols above sma(10) in Finance
$MA10FIS Symbols above sma(10) in Finance/Investors Services
$MA10FC Symbols above sma(10) in Fluid Controls
$MA10FC Symbols above sma(10) in Food Chains
$MA10FD Symbols above sma(10) in Food Distributors
$MA10FP Symbols above sma(10) in Forest Products
$MA10GBCNB Symbols above sma(10) in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$MA10HC Symbols above sma(10) in Health Care
$MA10HF Symbols above sma(10) in Home Furnishings
$MA10HOM Symbols above sma(10) in Homebuilding
$MA10HNM Symbols above sma(10) in Hospital/Nursing Management
$MA10HR Symbols above sma(10) in Hotels/Resorts
$MA10IMC Symbols above sma(10) in Industrial Machinery/Components
$MA10IS Symbols above sma(10) in Industrial Specialties
$MA10IND Symbols above sma(10) in Industrials
$MA10IOC Symbols above sma(10) in Integrated oil Companies
$MA10IBBS Symbols above sma(10) in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$MA10IM Symbols above sma(10) in Investment Managers
$MA10KB Symbols above sma(10) in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$MA10LI Symbols above sma(10) in Life Insurance
$MA10MB Symbols above sma(10) in Major Banks
$MA10MC Symbols above sma(10) in Major Chemicals
$MA10MHC Symbols above sma(10) in Managed Health Care
$MA10MT Symbols above sma(10) in Marine Transportation
$MA10MPF Symbols above sma(10) in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$MA10ME Symbols above sma(10) in Medical Electronics
$MA10MS Symbols above sma(10) in Medical Specialities
$MA10MDI Symbols above sma(10) in Medical/Dental Instruments
$MA10MNS Symbols above sma(10) in Medical/Nursing Services
$MA10MCABP Symbols above sma(10) in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$MA10MF Symbols above sma(10) in Metal Fabrications
$MA10MM Symbols above sma(10) in Metal Mining
$MA10MGT Symbols above sma(10) in Military/Government/Technical
$MA10MQONMNF Symbols above sma(10) in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$MA10MCLS Symbols above sma(10) in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$MA10MHABS Symbols above sma(10) in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$MA10MIS Symbols above sma(10) in Miscellaneous
$MA10MIS Symbols above sma(10) in Miscellaneous
$MA10MMI Symbols above sma(10) in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$MA10MV Symbols above sma(10) in Motor Vehicles
$MA10ME Symbols above sma(10) in Movies/Entertainment
$MA10MC Symbols above sma(10) in Multi-Sector Companies
$MA10N100 Symbols above sma(10) in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$MA10NB Symbols above sma(10) in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$MA10NF100 Symbols above sma(10) in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$MA10NI Symbols above sma(10) in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$MA10NNC Symbols above sma(10) in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$MA10NT Symbols above sma(10) in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$MA10NGD Symbols above sma(10) in Natural Gas Distribution
$MA10NM Symbols above sma(10) in Newspapers/Magazines
$MA10NC Symbols above sma(10) in NYSE Composite (Index)
$MA10OESS Symbols above sma(10) in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$MA10OGP Symbols above sma(10) in Oil & Gas Production
$MA10ORM Symbols above sma(10) in Oil Refining/Marketing
$MA10OGT Symbols above sma(10) in Oil/Gas Transmission
$MA10OSE Symbols above sma(10) in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$MA10OG Symbols above sma(10) in Ophthalmic Goods
$MA10OAA Symbols above sma(10) in Ordnance And Accessories
$MA10OCS Symbols above sma(10) in Other Consumer Services
$MA10OMAM Symbols above sma(10) in Other Metals and Minerals
$MA10OP Symbols above sma(10) in Other Pharmaceuticals
$MA10OSS Symbols above sma(10) in Other Specialty Stores
$MA10PGC Symbols above sma(10) in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$MA10PF Symbols above sma(10) in Packaged Foods
$MA10PC Symbols above sma(10) in Paints/Coatings
$MA10PAP Symbols above sma(10) in Paper
$MA10PAB Symbols above sma(10) in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$MA10PSGS Symbols above sma(10) in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$MA10POS Symbols above sma(10) in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$MA10PP Symbols above sma(10) in Plastic Products
$MA10PCE Symbols above sma(10) in Pollution Control Equipment
$MA10PG Symbols above sma(10) in Power Generation
$MA10PM Symbols above sma(10) in Precious Metals
$MA10PI Symbols above sma(10) in Precision Instruments
$MA10PACE Symbols above sma(10) in Professional and commerical equipment
$MA10PS Symbols above sma(10) in Professional Services
$MA10PCI Symbols above sma(10) in Property-Casualty Insurers
$MA10PUB Symbols above sma(10) in Publishing
$MA10RATBACE Symbols above sma(10) in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$MA10RAI Symbols above sma(10) in Railroads
$MA10RE Symbols above sma(10) in Real Estate
$MA10REIT Symbols above sma(10) in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$MA10RGPT Symbols above sma(10) in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$MA10RLC Symbols above sma(10) in Rental/Leasing Companies
$MA10RES Symbols above sma(10) in Restaurants
$MA10RADAGS Symbols above sma(10) in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$MA10RDSAPS Symbols above sma(10) in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$MA10RBM Symbols above sma(10) in RETAIL
$MA10RCSPE Symbols above sma(10) in Retail
$MA10R2000 Symbols above sma(10) in Russell 2000 (Index)
$MA10SP100 Symbols above sma(10) in S&P 100 (Index)
$MA10SP500 Symbols above sma(10) in S&P 500 (Index)
$MA10SPM400 Symbols above sma(10) in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$MA10SPS600 Symbols above sma(10) in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$MA10SI Symbols above sma(10) in Savings Institutions
$MA10SEM Symbols above sma(10) in Semiconductors
$MA10SMAR Symbols above sma(10) in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$MA10SM Symbols above sma(10) in Shoe Manufacturing
$MA10SC Symbols above sma(10) in Specialty Chemicals
$MA10SF Symbols above sma(10) in Specialty Foods
$MA10SI Symbols above sma(10) in Specialty Insurers
$MA10SIO Symbols above sma(10) in Steel/Iron Ore
$MA10TEC Symbols above sma(10) in Technology
$MA10TEL Symbols above sma(10) in Telecommunications
$MA10TE Symbols above sma(10) in Telecommunications Equipment
$MA10TEX Symbols above sma(10) in Textiles
$MA10TOB Symbols above sma(10) in Tobacco
$MA10TH Symbols above sma(10) in Tools/Hardware
$MA10TS Symbols above sma(10) in Transportation Services
$MA10TFCS Symbols above sma(10) in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$MA10TEERAC Symbols above sma(10) in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$MA10UTI Symbols above sma(10) in Utilities
$MA10WSPCPLC Symbols above sma(10) in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$MA10WS Symbols above sma(10) in Water Supply
$MA10WD Symbols above sma(10) in Wholesale Distributors
$MA20AHI Symbols above sma(20) in Accident &Health Insurance
$MA20AC Symbols above sma(20) in Acquisition corp
$MA20ADV Symbols above sma(20) in Advertising
$MA20AER Symbols above sma(20) in Aerospace
$MA20AC Symbols above sma(20) in Agricultural Chemicals
$MA20AFDS Symbols above sma(20) in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$MA20ALU Symbols above sma(20) in Aluminum
$MA20AA Symbols above sma(20) in Amex Airline (Index)
$MA20AGB Symbols above sma(20) in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$MA20AO Symbols above sma(20) in Amex Oil (Index)
$MA20AP Symbols above sma(20) in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$MA20APP Symbols above sma(20) in Apparel
$MA20AHSS Symbols above sma(20) in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$MA20AM Symbols above sma(20) in Auto Manufacturing
$MA20APOEM Symbols above sma(20) in Auto Parts
$MA20AA Symbols above sma(20) in Automotive Aftermarket
$MA20BAN Symbols above sma(20) in Banks
$MA20BM Symbols above sma(20) in Basic Materials
$MA20BPD Symbols above sma(20) in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$MA20BBPNDS Symbols above sma(20) in Biotechnology
$MA20BCPBR Symbols above sma(20) in Biotechnology
$MA20BEEA Symbols above sma(20) in Biotechnology
$MA20BIVIVDS Symbols above sma(20) in Biotechnology
$MA20BLAI Symbols above sma(20) in Biotechnology
$MA20BPP Symbols above sma(20) in Biotechnology
$MA20BC Symbols above sma(20) in Blank Checks
$MA20BOO Symbols above sma(20) in Books
$MA20BRO Symbols above sma(20) in Broadcasting
$MA20BM Symbols above sma(20) in Building Materials
$MA20BO Symbols above sma(20) in Building operators
$MA20BP Symbols above sma(20) in Building Products
$MA20BS Symbols above sma(20) in Business Services
$MA20COPTS Symbols above sma(20) in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$MA20CSD Symbols above sma(20) in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$MA20CSAS Symbols above sma(20) in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$MA20CM Symbols above sma(20) in Coal Mining
$MA20CB Symbols above sma(20) in Commercial Banks
$MA20CCE Symbols above sma(20) in Computer Communications Equipment
$MA20CM Symbols above sma(20) in Computer Manufacturing
$MA20CPE Symbols above sma(20) in Computer peripheral equipment
$MA20CSPS Symbols above sma(20) in Computer Software
$MA20CSPDP Symbols above sma(20) in Computer Software
$MA20CAET Symbols above sma(20) in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$MA20CD Symbols above sma(20) in Consumer Discretionary
$MA20CEA Symbols above sma(20) in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$MA20CEVC Symbols above sma(20) in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$MA20CS Symbols above sma(20) in Consumer Specialties
$MA20CS Symbols above sma(20) in Consumer Staples
$MA20CP Symbols above sma(20) in Containers/Packaging
$MA20DSRS Symbols above sma(20) in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$MA20DCS Symbols above sma(20) in Diversified Commercial Services
$MA20DEP Symbols above sma(20) in Diversified Electronic Products
$MA20DFS Symbols above sma(20) in Diversified Financial Services
$MA20DJ30 Symbols above sma(20) in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$MA20DJC Symbols above sma(20) in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$MA20DJTA Symbols above sma(20) in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$MA20DG Symbols above sma(20) in Durable Goods
$MA20ES Symbols above sma(20) in EDP Services
$MA20EUC Symbols above sma(20) in Electric Utilities
$MA20EP Symbols above sma(20) in Electrical Products
$MA20EC Symbols above sma(20) in Electronic Components
$MA20ED Symbols above sma(20) in Electronics Distribution
$MA20ENE Symbols above sma(20) in Energy
$MA20EC Symbols above sma(20) in Engineering & Construction
$MA20ES Symbols above sma(20) in Environmental Services
$MA20FSM Symbols above sma(20) in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$MA20FIN Symbols above sma(20) in Finance
$MA20FC Symbols above sma(20) in Finance Companies
$MA20FCS Symbols above sma(20) in Finance
$MA20FIS Symbols above sma(20) in Finance/Investors Services
$MA20FC Symbols above sma(20) in Fluid Controls
$MA20FC Symbols above sma(20) in Food Chains
$MA20FD Symbols above sma(20) in Food Distributors
$MA20FP Symbols above sma(20) in Forest Products
$MA20GBCNB Symbols above sma(20) in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$MA20HC Symbols above sma(20) in Health Care
$MA20HF Symbols above sma(20) in Home Furnishings
$MA20HOM Symbols above sma(20) in Homebuilding
$MA20HNM Symbols above sma(20) in Hospital/Nursing Management
$MA20HR Symbols above sma(20) in Hotels/Resorts
$MA20IMC Symbols above sma(20) in Industrial Machinery/Components
$MA20IS Symbols above sma(20) in Industrial Specialties
$MA20IND Symbols above sma(20) in Industrials
$MA20IOC Symbols above sma(20) in Integrated oil Companies
$MA20IBBS Symbols above sma(20) in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$MA20IM Symbols above sma(20) in Investment Managers
$MA20KB Symbols above sma(20) in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$MA20LI Symbols above sma(20) in Life Insurance
$MA20MB Symbols above sma(20) in Major Banks
$MA20MC Symbols above sma(20) in Major Chemicals
$MA20MHC Symbols above sma(20) in Managed Health Care
$MA20MT Symbols above sma(20) in Marine Transportation
$MA20MPF Symbols above sma(20) in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$MA20ME Symbols above sma(20) in Medical Electronics
$MA20MS Symbols above sma(20) in Medical Specialities
$MA20MDI Symbols above sma(20) in Medical/Dental Instruments
$MA20MNS Symbols above sma(20) in Medical/Nursing Services
$MA20MCABP Symbols above sma(20) in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$MA20MF Symbols above sma(20) in Metal Fabrications
$MA20MM Symbols above sma(20) in Metal Mining
$MA20MGT Symbols above sma(20) in Military/Government/Technical
$MA20MQONMNF Symbols above sma(20) in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$MA20MCLS Symbols above sma(20) in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$MA20MHABS Symbols above sma(20) in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$MA20MIS Symbols above sma(20) in Miscellaneous
$MA20MIS Symbols above sma(20) in Miscellaneous
$MA20MMI Symbols above sma(20) in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$MA20MV Symbols above sma(20) in Motor Vehicles
$MA20ME Symbols above sma(20) in Movies/Entertainment
$MA20MC Symbols above sma(20) in Multi-Sector Companies
$MA20N100 Symbols above sma(20) in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$MA20NB Symbols above sma(20) in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$MA20NF100 Symbols above sma(20) in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$MA20NI Symbols above sma(20) in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$MA20NNC Symbols above sma(20) in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$MA20NT Symbols above sma(20) in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$MA20NGD Symbols above sma(20) in Natural Gas Distribution
$MA20NM Symbols above sma(20) in Newspapers/Magazines
$MA20NC Symbols above sma(20) in NYSE Composite (Index)
$MA20OESS Symbols above sma(20) in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$MA20OGP Symbols above sma(20) in Oil & Gas Production
$MA20ORM Symbols above sma(20) in Oil Refining/Marketing
$MA20OGT Symbols above sma(20) in Oil/Gas Transmission
$MA20OSE Symbols above sma(20) in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$MA20OG Symbols above sma(20) in Ophthalmic Goods
$MA20OAA Symbols above sma(20) in Ordnance And Accessories
$MA20OCS Symbols above sma(20) in Other Consumer Services
$MA20OMAM Symbols above sma(20) in Other Metals and Minerals
$MA20OP Symbols above sma(20) in Other Pharmaceuticals
$MA20OSS Symbols above sma(20) in Other Specialty Stores
$MA20PGC Symbols above sma(20) in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$MA20PF Symbols above sma(20) in Packaged Foods
$MA20PC Symbols above sma(20) in Paints/Coatings
$MA20PAP Symbols above sma(20) in Paper
$MA20PAB Symbols above sma(20) in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$MA20PSGS Symbols above sma(20) in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$MA20POS Symbols above sma(20) in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$MA20PP Symbols above sma(20) in Plastic Products
$MA20PCE Symbols above sma(20) in Pollution Control Equipment
$MA20PG Symbols above sma(20) in Power Generation
$MA20PM Symbols above sma(20) in Precious Metals
$MA20PI Symbols above sma(20) in Precision Instruments
$MA20PACE Symbols above sma(20) in Professional and commerical equipment
$MA20PS Symbols above sma(20) in Professional Services
$MA20PCI Symbols above sma(20) in Property-Casualty Insurers
$MA20PUB Symbols above sma(20) in Publishing
$MA20RATBACE Symbols above sma(20) in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$MA20RAI Symbols above sma(20) in Railroads
$MA20RE Symbols above sma(20) in Real Estate
$MA20REIT Symbols above sma(20) in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$MA20RGPT Symbols above sma(20) in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$MA20RLC Symbols above sma(20) in Rental/Leasing Companies
$MA20RES Symbols above sma(20) in Restaurants
$MA20RADAGS Symbols above sma(20) in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$MA20RDSAPS Symbols above sma(20) in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$MA20RBM Symbols above sma(20) in RETAIL
$MA20RCSPE Symbols above sma(20) in Retail
$MA20R2000 Symbols above sma(20) in Russell 2000 (Index)
$MA20SP100 Symbols above sma(20) in S&P 100 (Index)
$MA20SP500 Symbols above sma(20) in S&P 500 (Index)
$MA20SPM400 Symbols above sma(20) in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$MA20SPS600 Symbols above sma(20) in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$MA20SI Symbols above sma(20) in Savings Institutions
$MA20SEM Symbols above sma(20) in Semiconductors
$MA20SMAR Symbols above sma(20) in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$MA20SM Symbols above sma(20) in Shoe Manufacturing
$MA20SC Symbols above sma(20) in Specialty Chemicals
$MA20SF Symbols above sma(20) in Specialty Foods
$MA20SI Symbols above sma(20) in Specialty Insurers
$MA20SIO Symbols above sma(20) in Steel/Iron Ore
$MA20TEC Symbols above sma(20) in Technology
$MA20TEL Symbols above sma(20) in Telecommunications
$MA20TE Symbols above sma(20) in Telecommunications Equipment
$MA20TEX Symbols above sma(20) in Textiles
$MA20TOB Symbols above sma(20) in Tobacco
$MA20TH Symbols above sma(20) in Tools/Hardware
$MA20TS Symbols above sma(20) in Transportation Services
$MA20TFCS Symbols above sma(20) in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$MA20TEERAC Symbols above sma(20) in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$MA20UTI Symbols above sma(20) in Utilities
$MA20WSPCPLC Symbols above sma(20) in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$MA20WS Symbols above sma(20) in Water Supply
$MA20WD Symbols above sma(20) in Wholesale Distributors
$MA50AHI Symbols above sma(50) in Accident &Health Insurance
$MA50AC Symbols above sma(50) in Acquisition corp
$MA50ADV Symbols above sma(50) in Advertising
$MA50AER Symbols above sma(50) in Aerospace
$MA50AC Symbols above sma(50) in Agricultural Chemicals
$MA50AFDS Symbols above sma(50) in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$MA50ALU Symbols above sma(50) in Aluminum
$MA50AA Symbols above sma(50) in Amex Airline (Index)
$MA50AGB Symbols above sma(50) in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$MA50AO Symbols above sma(50) in Amex Oil (Index)
$MA50AP Symbols above sma(50) in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$MA50APP Symbols above sma(50) in Apparel
$MA50AHSS Symbols above sma(50) in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$MA50AM Symbols above sma(50) in Auto Manufacturing
$MA50APOEM Symbols above sma(50) in Auto Parts
$MA50AA Symbols above sma(50) in Automotive Aftermarket
$MA50BAN Symbols above sma(50) in Banks
$MA50BM Symbols above sma(50) in Basic Materials
$MA50BPD Symbols above sma(50) in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$MA50BBPNDS Symbols above sma(50) in Biotechnology
$MA50BCPBR Symbols above sma(50) in Biotechnology
$MA50BEEA Symbols above sma(50) in Biotechnology
$MA50BIVIVDS Symbols above sma(50) in Biotechnology
$MA50BLAI Symbols above sma(50) in Biotechnology
$MA50BPP Symbols above sma(50) in Biotechnology
$MA50BC Symbols above sma(50) in Blank Checks
$MA50BOO Symbols above sma(50) in Books
$MA50BRO Symbols above sma(50) in Broadcasting
$MA50BM Symbols above sma(50) in Building Materials
$MA50BO Symbols above sma(50) in Building operators
$MA50BP Symbols above sma(50) in Building Products
$MA50BS Symbols above sma(50) in Business Services
$MA50COPTS Symbols above sma(50) in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$MA50CSD Symbols above sma(50) in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$MA50CSAS Symbols above sma(50) in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$MA50CM Symbols above sma(50) in Coal Mining
$MA50CB Symbols above sma(50) in Commercial Banks
$MA50CCE Symbols above sma(50) in Computer Communications Equipment
$MA50CM Symbols above sma(50) in Computer Manufacturing
$MA50CPE Symbols above sma(50) in Computer peripheral equipment
$MA50CSPS Symbols above sma(50) in Computer Software
$MA50CSPDP Symbols above sma(50) in Computer Software
$MA50CAET Symbols above sma(50) in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$MA50CD Symbols above sma(50) in Consumer Discretionary
$MA50CEA Symbols above sma(50) in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$MA50CEVC Symbols above sma(50) in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$MA50CS Symbols above sma(50) in Consumer Specialties
$MA50CS Symbols above sma(50) in Consumer Staples
$MA50CP Symbols above sma(50) in Containers/Packaging
$MA50DSRS Symbols above sma(50) in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$MA50DCS Symbols above sma(50) in Diversified Commercial Services
$MA50DEP Symbols above sma(50) in Diversified Electronic Products
$MA50DFS Symbols above sma(50) in Diversified Financial Services
$MA50DJ30 Symbols above sma(50) in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$MA50DJC Symbols above sma(50) in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$MA50DJTA Symbols above sma(50) in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$MA50DG Symbols above sma(50) in Durable Goods
$MA50ES Symbols above sma(50) in EDP Services
$MA50EUC Symbols above sma(50) in Electric Utilities
$MA50EP Symbols above sma(50) in Electrical Products
$MA50EC Symbols above sma(50) in Electronic Components
$MA50ED Symbols above sma(50) in Electronics Distribution
$MA50ENE Symbols above sma(50) in Energy
$MA50EC Symbols above sma(50) in Engineering & Construction
$MA50ES Symbols above sma(50) in Environmental Services
$MA50FSM Symbols above sma(50) in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$MA50FIN Symbols above sma(50) in Finance
$MA50FC Symbols above sma(50) in Finance Companies
$MA50FCS Symbols above sma(50) in Finance
$MA50FIS Symbols above sma(50) in Finance/Investors Services
$MA50FC Symbols above sma(50) in Fluid Controls
$MA50FC Symbols above sma(50) in Food Chains
$MA50FD Symbols above sma(50) in Food Distributors
$MA50FP Symbols above sma(50) in Forest Products
$MA50GBCNB Symbols above sma(50) in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$MA50HC Symbols above sma(50) in Health Care
$MA50HF Symbols above sma(50) in Home Furnishings
$MA50HOM Symbols above sma(50) in Homebuilding
$MA50HNM Symbols above sma(50) in Hospital/Nursing Management
$MA50HR Symbols above sma(50) in Hotels/Resorts
$MA50IMC Symbols above sma(50) in Industrial Machinery/Components
$MA50IS Symbols above sma(50) in Industrial Specialties
$MA50IND Symbols above sma(50) in Industrials
$MA50IOC Symbols above sma(50) in Integrated oil Companies
$MA50IBBS Symbols above sma(50) in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$MA50IM Symbols above sma(50) in Investment Managers
$MA50KB Symbols above sma(50) in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$MA50LI Symbols above sma(50) in Life Insurance
$MA50MB Symbols above sma(50) in Major Banks
$MA50MC Symbols above sma(50) in Major Chemicals
$MA50MHC Symbols above sma(50) in Managed Health Care
$MA50MT Symbols above sma(50) in Marine Transportation
$MA50MPF Symbols above sma(50) in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$MA50ME Symbols above sma(50) in Medical Electronics
$MA50MS Symbols above sma(50) in Medical Specialities
$MA50MDI Symbols above sma(50) in Medical/Dental Instruments
$MA50MNS Symbols above sma(50) in Medical/Nursing Services
$MA50MCABP Symbols above sma(50) in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$MA50MF Symbols above sma(50) in Metal Fabrications
$MA50MM Symbols above sma(50) in Metal Mining
$MA50MGT Symbols above sma(50) in Military/Government/Technical
$MA50MQONMNF Symbols above sma(50) in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$MA50MCLS Symbols above sma(50) in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$MA50MHABS Symbols above sma(50) in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$MA50MIS Symbols above sma(50) in Miscellaneous
$MA50MIS Symbols above sma(50) in Miscellaneous
$MA50MMI Symbols above sma(50) in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$MA50MV Symbols above sma(50) in Motor Vehicles
$MA50ME Symbols above sma(50) in Movies/Entertainment
$MA50MC Symbols above sma(50) in Multi-Sector Companies
$MA50N100 Symbols above sma(50) in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$MA50NB Symbols above sma(50) in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$MA50NF100 Symbols above sma(50) in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$MA50NI Symbols above sma(50) in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$MA50NNC Symbols above sma(50) in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$MA50NT Symbols above sma(50) in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$MA50NGD Symbols above sma(50) in Natural Gas Distribution
$MA50NM Symbols above sma(50) in Newspapers/Magazines
$MA50NC Symbols above sma(50) in NYSE Composite (Index)
$MA50OESS Symbols above sma(50) in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$MA50OGP Symbols above sma(50) in Oil & Gas Production
$MA50ORM Symbols above sma(50) in Oil Refining/Marketing
$MA50OGT Symbols above sma(50) in Oil/Gas Transmission
$MA50OSE Symbols above sma(50) in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$MA50OG Symbols above sma(50) in Ophthalmic Goods
$MA50OAA Symbols above sma(50) in Ordnance And Accessories
$MA50OCS Symbols above sma(50) in Other Consumer Services
$MA50OMAM Symbols above sma(50) in Other Metals and Minerals
$MA50OP Symbols above sma(50) in Other Pharmaceuticals
$MA50OSS Symbols above sma(50) in Other Specialty Stores
$MA50PGC Symbols above sma(50) in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$MA50PF Symbols above sma(50) in Packaged Foods
$MA50PC Symbols above sma(50) in Paints/Coatings
$MA50PAP Symbols above sma(50) in Paper
$MA50PAB Symbols above sma(50) in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$MA50PSGS Symbols above sma(50) in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$MA50POS Symbols above sma(50) in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$MA50PP Symbols above sma(50) in Plastic Products
$MA50PCE Symbols above sma(50) in Pollution Control Equipment
$MA50PG Symbols above sma(50) in Power Generation
$MA50PM Symbols above sma(50) in Precious Metals
$MA50PI Symbols above sma(50) in Precision Instruments
$MA50PACE Symbols above sma(50) in Professional and commerical equipment
$MA50PS Symbols above sma(50) in Professional Services
$MA50PCI Symbols above sma(50) in Property-Casualty Insurers
$MA50PUB Symbols above sma(50) in Publishing
$MA50RATBACE Symbols above sma(50) in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$MA50RAI Symbols above sma(50) in Railroads
$MA50RE Symbols above sma(50) in Real Estate
$MA50REIT Symbols above sma(50) in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$MA50RGPT Symbols above sma(50) in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$MA50RLC Symbols above sma(50) in Rental/Leasing Companies
$MA50RES Symbols above sma(50) in Restaurants
$MA50RADAGS Symbols above sma(50) in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$MA50RDSAPS Symbols above sma(50) in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$MA50RBM Symbols above sma(50) in RETAIL
$MA50RCSPE Symbols above sma(50) in Retail
$MA50R2000 Symbols above sma(50) in Russell 2000 (Index)
$MA50SP100 Symbols above sma(50) in S&P 100 (Index)
$MA50SP500 Symbols above sma(50) in S&P 500 (Index)
$MA50SPM400 Symbols above sma(50) in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$MA50SPS600 Symbols above sma(50) in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$MA50SI Symbols above sma(50) in Savings Institutions
$MA50SEM Symbols above sma(50) in Semiconductors
$MA50SMAR Symbols above sma(50) in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$MA50SM Symbols above sma(50) in Shoe Manufacturing
$MA50SC Symbols above sma(50) in Specialty Chemicals
$MA50SF Symbols above sma(50) in Specialty Foods
$MA50SI Symbols above sma(50) in Specialty Insurers
$MA50SIO Symbols above sma(50) in Steel/Iron Ore
$MA50TEC Symbols above sma(50) in Technology
$MA50TEL Symbols above sma(50) in Telecommunications
$MA50TE Symbols above sma(50) in Telecommunications Equipment
$MA50TEX Symbols above sma(50) in Textiles
$MA50TOB Symbols above sma(50) in Tobacco
$MA50TH Symbols above sma(50) in Tools/Hardware
$MA50TS Symbols above sma(50) in Transportation Services
$MA50TFCS Symbols above sma(50) in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$MA50TEERAC Symbols above sma(50) in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$MA50UTI Symbols above sma(50) in Utilities
$MA50WSPCPLC Symbols above sma(50) in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$MA50WS Symbols above sma(50) in Water Supply
$MA50WD Symbols above sma(50) in Wholesale Distributors
$MA70AHI Symbols above sma(70) in Accident &Health Insurance
$MA70AC Symbols above sma(70) in Acquisition corp
$MA70ADV Symbols above sma(70) in Advertising
$MA70AER Symbols above sma(70) in Aerospace
$MA70AC Symbols above sma(70) in Agricultural Chemicals
$MA70AFDS Symbols above sma(70) in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$MA70ALU Symbols above sma(70) in Aluminum
$MA70AA Symbols above sma(70) in Amex Airline (Index)
$MA70AGB Symbols above sma(70) in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$MA70AO Symbols above sma(70) in Amex Oil (Index)
$MA70AP Symbols above sma(70) in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$MA70APP Symbols above sma(70) in Apparel
$MA70AHSS Symbols above sma(70) in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$MA70AM Symbols above sma(70) in Auto Manufacturing
$MA70APOEM Symbols above sma(70) in Auto Parts
$MA70AA Symbols above sma(70) in Automotive Aftermarket
$MA70BAN Symbols above sma(70) in Banks
$MA70BM Symbols above sma(70) in Basic Materials
$MA70BPD Symbols above sma(70) in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$MA70BBPNDS Symbols above sma(70) in Biotechnology
$MA70BCPBR Symbols above sma(70) in Biotechnology
$MA70BEEA Symbols above sma(70) in Biotechnology
$MA70BIVIVDS Symbols above sma(70) in Biotechnology
$MA70BLAI Symbols above sma(70) in Biotechnology
$MA70BPP Symbols above sma(70) in Biotechnology
$MA70BC Symbols above sma(70) in Blank Checks
$MA70BOO Symbols above sma(70) in Books
$MA70BRO Symbols above sma(70) in Broadcasting
$MA70BM Symbols above sma(70) in Building Materials
$MA70BO Symbols above sma(70) in Building operators
$MA70BP Symbols above sma(70) in Building Products
$MA70BS Symbols above sma(70) in Business Services
$MA70COPTS Symbols above sma(70) in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$MA70CSD Symbols above sma(70) in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$MA70CSAS Symbols above sma(70) in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$MA70CM Symbols above sma(70) in Coal Mining
$MA70CB Symbols above sma(70) in Commercial Banks
$MA70CCE Symbols above sma(70) in Computer Communications Equipment
$MA70CM Symbols above sma(70) in Computer Manufacturing
$MA70CPE Symbols above sma(70) in Computer peripheral equipment
$MA70CSPS Symbols above sma(70) in Computer Software
$MA70CSPDP Symbols above sma(70) in Computer Software
$MA70CAET Symbols above sma(70) in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$MA70CD Symbols above sma(70) in Consumer Discretionary
$MA70CEA Symbols above sma(70) in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$MA70CEVC Symbols above sma(70) in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$MA70CS Symbols above sma(70) in Consumer Specialties
$MA70CS Symbols above sma(70) in Consumer Staples
$MA70CP Symbols above sma(70) in Containers/Packaging
$MA70DSRS Symbols above sma(70) in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$MA70DCS Symbols above sma(70) in Diversified Commercial Services
$MA70DEP Symbols above sma(70) in Diversified Electronic Products
$MA70DFS Symbols above sma(70) in Diversified Financial Services
$MA70DJ30 Symbols above sma(70) in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$MA70DJC Symbols above sma(70) in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$MA70DJTA Symbols above sma(70) in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$MA70DG Symbols above sma(70) in Durable Goods
$MA70ES Symbols above sma(70) in EDP Services
$MA70EUC Symbols above sma(70) in Electric Utilities
$MA70EP Symbols above sma(70) in Electrical Products
$MA70EC Symbols above sma(70) in Electronic Components
$MA70ED Symbols above sma(70) in Electronics Distribution
$MA70ENE Symbols above sma(70) in Energy
$MA70EC Symbols above sma(70) in Engineering & Construction
$MA70ES Symbols above sma(70) in Environmental Services
$MA70FSM Symbols above sma(70) in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$MA70FIN Symbols above sma(70) in Finance
$MA70FC Symbols above sma(70) in Finance Companies
$MA70FCS Symbols above sma(70) in Finance
$MA70FIS Symbols above sma(70) in Finance/Investors Services
$MA70FC Symbols above sma(70) in Fluid Controls
$MA70FC Symbols above sma(70) in Food Chains
$MA70FD Symbols above sma(70) in Food Distributors
$MA70FP Symbols above sma(70) in Forest Products
$MA70GBCNB Symbols above sma(70) in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$MA70HC Symbols above sma(70) in Health Care
$MA70HF Symbols above sma(70) in Home Furnishings
$MA70HOM Symbols above sma(70) in Homebuilding
$MA70HNM Symbols above sma(70) in Hospital/Nursing Management
$MA70HR Symbols above sma(70) in Hotels/Resorts
$MA70IMC Symbols above sma(70) in Industrial Machinery/Components
$MA70IS Symbols above sma(70) in Industrial Specialties
$MA70IND Symbols above sma(70) in Industrials
$MA70IOC Symbols above sma(70) in Integrated oil Companies
$MA70IBBS Symbols above sma(70) in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$MA70IM Symbols above sma(70) in Investment Managers
$MA70KB Symbols above sma(70) in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$MA70LI Symbols above sma(70) in Life Insurance
$MA70MB Symbols above sma(70) in Major Banks
$MA70MC Symbols above sma(70) in Major Chemicals
$MA70MHC Symbols above sma(70) in Managed Health Care
$MA70MT Symbols above sma(70) in Marine Transportation
$MA70MPF Symbols above sma(70) in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$MA70ME Symbols above sma(70) in Medical Electronics
$MA70MS Symbols above sma(70) in Medical Specialities
$MA70MDI Symbols above sma(70) in Medical/Dental Instruments
$MA70MNS Symbols above sma(70) in Medical/Nursing Services
$MA70MCABP Symbols above sma(70) in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$MA70MF Symbols above sma(70) in Metal Fabrications
$MA70MM Symbols above sma(70) in Metal Mining
$MA70MGT Symbols above sma(70) in Military/Government/Technical
$MA70MQONMNF Symbols above sma(70) in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$MA70MCLS Symbols above sma(70) in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$MA70MHABS Symbols above sma(70) in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$MA70MIS Symbols above sma(70) in Miscellaneous
$MA70MIS Symbols above sma(70) in Miscellaneous
$MA70MMI Symbols above sma(70) in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$MA70MV Symbols above sma(70) in Motor Vehicles
$MA70ME Symbols above sma(70) in Movies/Entertainment
$MA70MC Symbols above sma(70) in Multi-Sector Companies
$MA70N100 Symbols above sma(70) in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$MA70NB Symbols above sma(70) in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$MA70NF100 Symbols above sma(70) in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$MA70NI Symbols above sma(70) in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$MA70NNC Symbols above sma(70) in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$MA70NT Symbols above sma(70) in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$MA70NGD Symbols above sma(70) in Natural Gas Distribution
$MA70NM Symbols above sma(70) in Newspapers/Magazines
$MA70NC Symbols above sma(70) in NYSE Composite (Index)
$MA70OESS Symbols above sma(70) in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$MA70OGP Symbols above sma(70) in Oil & Gas Production
$MA70ORM Symbols above sma(70) in Oil Refining/Marketing
$MA70OGT Symbols above sma(70) in Oil/Gas Transmission
$MA70OSE Symbols above sma(70) in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$MA70OG Symbols above sma(70) in Ophthalmic Goods
$MA70OAA Symbols above sma(70) in Ordnance And Accessories
$MA70OCS Symbols above sma(70) in Other Consumer Services
$MA70OMAM Symbols above sma(70) in Other Metals and Minerals
$MA70OP Symbols above sma(70) in Other Pharmaceuticals
$MA70OSS Symbols above sma(70) in Other Specialty Stores
$MA70PGC Symbols above sma(70) in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$MA70PF Symbols above sma(70) in Packaged Foods
$MA70PC Symbols above sma(70) in Paints/Coatings
$MA70PAP Symbols above sma(70) in Paper
$MA70PAB Symbols above sma(70) in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$MA70PSGS Symbols above sma(70) in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$MA70POS Symbols above sma(70) in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$MA70PP Symbols above sma(70) in Plastic Products
$MA70PCE Symbols above sma(70) in Pollution Control Equipment
$MA70PG Symbols above sma(70) in Power Generation
$MA70PM Symbols above sma(70) in Precious Metals
$MA70PI Symbols above sma(70) in Precision Instruments
$MA70PACE Symbols above sma(70) in Professional and commerical equipment
$MA70PS Symbols above sma(70) in Professional Services
$MA70PCI Symbols above sma(70) in Property-Casualty Insurers
$MA70PUB Symbols above sma(70) in Publishing
$MA70RATBACE Symbols above sma(70) in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$MA70RAI Symbols above sma(70) in Railroads
$MA70RE Symbols above sma(70) in Real Estate
$MA70REIT Symbols above sma(70) in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$MA70RGPT Symbols above sma(70) in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$MA70RLC Symbols above sma(70) in Rental/Leasing Companies
$MA70RES Symbols above sma(70) in Restaurants
$MA70RADAGS Symbols above sma(70) in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$MA70RDSAPS Symbols above sma(70) in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$MA70RBM Symbols above sma(70) in RETAIL
$MA70RCSPE Symbols above sma(70) in Retail
$MA70R2000 Symbols above sma(70) in Russell 2000 (Index)
$MA70SP100 Symbols above sma(70) in S&P 100 (Index)
$MA70SP500 Symbols above sma(70) in S&P 500 (Index)
$MA70SPM400 Symbols above sma(70) in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$MA70SPS600 Symbols above sma(70) in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$MA70SI Symbols above sma(70) in Savings Institutions
$MA70SEM Symbols above sma(70) in Semiconductors
$MA70SMAR Symbols above sma(70) in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$MA70SM Symbols above sma(70) in Shoe Manufacturing
$MA70SC Symbols above sma(70) in Specialty Chemicals
$MA70SF Symbols above sma(70) in Specialty Foods
$MA70SI Symbols above sma(70) in Specialty Insurers
$MA70SIO Symbols above sma(70) in Steel/Iron Ore
$MA70TEC Symbols above sma(70) in Technology
$MA70TEL Symbols above sma(70) in Telecommunications
$MA70TE Symbols above sma(70) in Telecommunications Equipment
$MA70TEX Symbols above sma(70) in Textiles
$MA70TOB Symbols above sma(70) in Tobacco
$MA70TH Symbols above sma(70) in Tools/Hardware
$MA70TS Symbols above sma(70) in Transportation Services
$MA70TFCS Symbols above sma(70) in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$MA70TEERAC Symbols above sma(70) in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$MA70UTI Symbols above sma(70) in Utilities
$MA70WSPCPLC Symbols above sma(70) in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$MA70WS Symbols above sma(70) in Water Supply
$MA70WD Symbols above sma(70) in Wholesale Distributors
$MA100AHI Symbols above sma(100) in Accident &Health Insurance
$MA100AC Symbols above sma(100) in Acquisition corp
$MA100ADV Symbols above sma(100) in Advertising
$MA100AER Symbols above sma(100) in Aerospace
$MA100AC Symbols above sma(100) in Agricultural Chemicals
$MA100AFDS Symbols above sma(100) in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$MA100ALU Symbols above sma(100) in Aluminum
$MA100AA Symbols above sma(100) in Amex Airline (Index)
$MA100AGB Symbols above sma(100) in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$MA100AO Symbols above sma(100) in Amex Oil (Index)
$MA100AP Symbols above sma(100) in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$MA100APP Symbols above sma(100) in Apparel
$MA100AHSS Symbols above sma(100) in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$MA100AM Symbols above sma(100) in Auto Manufacturing
$MA100APOEM Symbols above sma(100) in Auto Parts
$MA100AA Symbols above sma(100) in Automotive Aftermarket
$MA100BAN Symbols above sma(100) in Banks
$MA100BM Symbols above sma(100) in Basic Materials
$MA100BPD Symbols above sma(100) in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$MA100BBPNDS Symbols above sma(100) in Biotechnology
$MA100BCPBR Symbols above sma(100) in Biotechnology
$MA100BEEA Symbols above sma(100) in Biotechnology
$MA100BIVIVDS Symbols above sma(100) in Biotechnology
$MA100BLAI Symbols above sma(100) in Biotechnology
$MA100BPP Symbols above sma(100) in Biotechnology
$MA100BC Symbols above sma(100) in Blank Checks
$MA100BOO Symbols above sma(100) in Books
$MA100BRO Symbols above sma(100) in Broadcasting
$MA100BM Symbols above sma(100) in Building Materials
$MA100BO Symbols above sma(100) in Building operators
$MA100BP Symbols above sma(100) in Building Products
$MA100BS Symbols above sma(100) in Business Services
$MA100COPTS Symbols above sma(100) in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$MA100CSD Symbols above sma(100) in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$MA100CSAS Symbols above sma(100) in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$MA100CM Symbols above sma(100) in Coal Mining
$MA100CB Symbols above sma(100) in Commercial Banks
$MA100CCE Symbols above sma(100) in Computer Communications Equipment
$MA100CM Symbols above sma(100) in Computer Manufacturing
$MA100CPE Symbols above sma(100) in Computer peripheral equipment
$MA100CSPS Symbols above sma(100) in Computer Software
$MA100CSPDP Symbols above sma(100) in Computer Software
$MA100CAET Symbols above sma(100) in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$MA100CD Symbols above sma(100) in Consumer Discretionary
$MA100CEA Symbols above sma(100) in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$MA100CEVC Symbols above sma(100) in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$MA100CS Symbols above sma(100) in Consumer Specialties
$MA100CS Symbols above sma(100) in Consumer Staples
$MA100CP Symbols above sma(100) in Containers/Packaging
$MA100DSRS Symbols above sma(100) in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$MA100DCS Symbols above sma(100) in Diversified Commercial Services
$MA100DEP Symbols above sma(100) in Diversified Electronic Products
$MA100DFS Symbols above sma(100) in Diversified Financial Services
$MA100DJ30 Symbols above sma(100) in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$MA100DJC Symbols above sma(100) in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$MA100DJTA Symbols above sma(100) in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$MA100DG Symbols above sma(100) in Durable Goods
$MA100ES Symbols above sma(100) in EDP Services
$MA100EUC Symbols above sma(100) in Electric Utilities
$MA100EP Symbols above sma(100) in Electrical Products
$MA100EC Symbols above sma(100) in Electronic Components
$MA100ED Symbols above sma(100) in Electronics Distribution
$MA100ENE Symbols above sma(100) in Energy
$MA100EC Symbols above sma(100) in Engineering & Construction
$MA100ES Symbols above sma(100) in Environmental Services
$MA100FSM Symbols above sma(100) in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$MA100FIN Symbols above sma(100) in Finance
$MA100FC Symbols above sma(100) in Finance Companies
$MA100FCS Symbols above sma(100) in Finance
$MA100FIS Symbols above sma(100) in Finance/Investors Services
$MA100FC Symbols above sma(100) in Fluid Controls
$MA100FC Symbols above sma(100) in Food Chains
$MA100FD Symbols above sma(100) in Food Distributors
$MA100FP Symbols above sma(100) in Forest Products
$MA100GBCNB Symbols above sma(100) in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$MA100HC Symbols above sma(100) in Health Care
$MA100HF Symbols above sma(100) in Home Furnishings
$MA100HOM Symbols above sma(100) in Homebuilding
$MA100HNM Symbols above sma(100) in Hospital/Nursing Management
$MA100HR Symbols above sma(100) in Hotels/Resorts
$MA100IMC Symbols above sma(100) in Industrial Machinery/Components
$MA100IS Symbols above sma(100) in Industrial Specialties
$MA100IND Symbols above sma(100) in Industrials
$MA100IOC Symbols above sma(100) in Integrated oil Companies
$MA100IBBS Symbols above sma(100) in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$MA100IM Symbols above sma(100) in Investment Managers
$MA100KB Symbols above sma(100) in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$MA100LI Symbols above sma(100) in Life Insurance
$MA100MB Symbols above sma(100) in Major Banks
$MA100MC Symbols above sma(100) in Major Chemicals
$MA100MHC Symbols above sma(100) in Managed Health Care
$MA100MT Symbols above sma(100) in Marine Transportation
$MA100MPF Symbols above sma(100) in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$MA100ME Symbols above sma(100) in Medical Electronics
$MA100MS Symbols above sma(100) in Medical Specialities
$MA100MDI Symbols above sma(100) in Medical/Dental Instruments
$MA100MNS Symbols above sma(100) in Medical/Nursing Services
$MA100MCABP Symbols above sma(100) in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$MA100MF Symbols above sma(100) in Metal Fabrications
$MA100MM Symbols above sma(100) in Metal Mining
$MA100MGT Symbols above sma(100) in Military/Government/Technical
$MA100MQONMNF Symbols above sma(100) in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$MA100MCLS Symbols above sma(100) in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$MA100MHABS Symbols above sma(100) in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$MA100MIS Symbols above sma(100) in Miscellaneous
$MA100MIS Symbols above sma(100) in Miscellaneous
$MA100MMI Symbols above sma(100) in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$MA100MV Symbols above sma(100) in Motor Vehicles
$MA100ME Symbols above sma(100) in Movies/Entertainment
$MA100MC Symbols above sma(100) in Multi-Sector Companies
$MA100N100 Symbols above sma(100) in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$MA100NB Symbols above sma(100) in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$MA100NF100 Symbols above sma(100) in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$MA100NI Symbols above sma(100) in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$MA100NNC Symbols above sma(100) in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$MA100NT Symbols above sma(100) in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$MA100NGD Symbols above sma(100) in Natural Gas Distribution
$MA100NM Symbols above sma(100) in Newspapers/Magazines
$MA100NC Symbols above sma(100) in NYSE Composite (Index)
$MA100OESS Symbols above sma(100) in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$MA100OGP Symbols above sma(100) in Oil & Gas Production
$MA100ORM Symbols above sma(100) in Oil Refining/Marketing
$MA100OGT Symbols above sma(100) in Oil/Gas Transmission
$MA100OSE Symbols above sma(100) in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$MA100OG Symbols above sma(100) in Ophthalmic Goods
$MA100OAA Symbols above sma(100) in Ordnance And Accessories
$MA100OCS Symbols above sma(100) in Other Consumer Services
$MA100OMAM Symbols above sma(100) in Other Metals and Minerals
$MA100OP Symbols above sma(100) in Other Pharmaceuticals
$MA100OSS Symbols above sma(100) in Other Specialty Stores
$MA100PGC Symbols above sma(100) in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$MA100PF Symbols above sma(100) in Packaged Foods
$MA100PC Symbols above sma(100) in Paints/Coatings
$MA100PAP Symbols above sma(100) in Paper
$MA100PAB Symbols above sma(100) in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$MA100PSGS Symbols above sma(100) in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$MA100POS Symbols above sma(100) in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$MA100PP Symbols above sma(100) in Plastic Products
$MA100PCE Symbols above sma(100) in Pollution Control Equipment
$MA100PG Symbols above sma(100) in Power Generation
$MA100PM Symbols above sma(100) in Precious Metals
$MA100PI Symbols above sma(100) in Precision Instruments
$MA100PACE Symbols above sma(100) in Professional and commerical equipment
$MA100PS Symbols above sma(100) in Professional Services
$MA100PCI Symbols above sma(100) in Property-Casualty Insurers
$MA100PUB Symbols above sma(100) in Publishing
$MA100RATBACE Symbols above sma(100) in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$MA100RAI Symbols above sma(100) in Railroads
$MA100RE Symbols above sma(100) in Real Estate
$MA100REIT Symbols above sma(100) in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$MA100RGPT Symbols above sma(100) in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$MA100RLC Symbols above sma(100) in Rental/Leasing Companies
$MA100RES Symbols above sma(100) in Restaurants
$MA100RADAGS Symbols above sma(100) in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$MA100RDSAPS Symbols above sma(100) in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$MA100RBM Symbols above sma(100) in RETAIL
$MA100RCSPE Symbols above sma(100) in Retail
$MA100R2000 Symbols above sma(100) in Russell 2000 (Index)
$MA100SP100 Symbols above sma(100) in S&P 100 (Index)
$MA100SP500 Symbols above sma(100) in S&P 500 (Index)
$MA100SPM400 Symbols above sma(100) in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$MA100SPS600 Symbols above sma(100) in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$MA100SI Symbols above sma(100) in Savings Institutions
$MA100SEM Symbols above sma(100) in Semiconductors
$MA100SMAR Symbols above sma(100) in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$MA100SM Symbols above sma(100) in Shoe Manufacturing
$MA100SC Symbols above sma(100) in Specialty Chemicals
$MA100SF Symbols above sma(100) in Specialty Foods
$MA100SI Symbols above sma(100) in Specialty Insurers
$MA100SIO Symbols above sma(100) in Steel/Iron Ore
$MA100TEC Symbols above sma(100) in Technology
$MA100TEL Symbols above sma(100) in Telecommunications
$MA100TE Symbols above sma(100) in Telecommunications Equipment
$MA100TEX Symbols above sma(100) in Textiles
$MA100TOB Symbols above sma(100) in Tobacco
$MA100TH Symbols above sma(100) in Tools/Hardware
$MA100TS Symbols above sma(100) in Transportation Services
$MA100TFCS Symbols above sma(100) in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$MA100TEERAC Symbols above sma(100) in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$MA100UTI Symbols above sma(100) in Utilities
$MA100WSPCPLC Symbols above sma(100) in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$MA100WS Symbols above sma(100) in Water Supply
$MA100WD Symbols above sma(100) in Wholesale Distributors
$MA200AHI Symbols above sma(200) in Accident &Health Insurance
$MA200AC Symbols above sma(200) in Acquisition corp
$MA200ADV Symbols above sma(200) in Advertising
$MA200AER Symbols above sma(200) in Aerospace
$MA200AC Symbols above sma(200) in Agricultural Chemicals
$MA200AFDS Symbols above sma(200) in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$MA200ALU Symbols above sma(200) in Aluminum
$MA200AA Symbols above sma(200) in Amex Airline (Index)
$MA200AGB Symbols above sma(200) in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$MA200AO Symbols above sma(200) in Amex Oil (Index)
$MA200AP Symbols above sma(200) in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$MA200APP Symbols above sma(200) in Apparel
$MA200AHSS Symbols above sma(200) in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$MA200AM Symbols above sma(200) in Auto Manufacturing
$MA200APOEM Symbols above sma(200) in Auto Parts
$MA200AA Symbols above sma(200) in Automotive Aftermarket
$MA200BAN Symbols above sma(200) in Banks
$MA200BM Symbols above sma(200) in Basic Materials
$MA200BPD Symbols above sma(200) in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$MA200BBPNDS Symbols above sma(200) in Biotechnology
$MA200BCPBR Symbols above sma(200) in Biotechnology
$MA200BEEA Symbols above sma(200) in Biotechnology
$MA200BIVIVDS Symbols above sma(200) in Biotechnology
$MA200BLAI Symbols above sma(200) in Biotechnology
$MA200BPP Symbols above sma(200) in Biotechnology
$MA200BC Symbols above sma(200) in Blank Checks
$MA200BOO Symbols above sma(200) in Books
$MA200BRO Symbols above sma(200) in Broadcasting
$MA200BM Symbols above sma(200) in Building Materials
$MA200BO Symbols above sma(200) in Building operators
$MA200BP Symbols above sma(200) in Building Products
$MA200BS Symbols above sma(200) in Business Services
$MA200COPTS Symbols above sma(200) in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$MA200CSD Symbols above sma(200) in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$MA200CSAS Symbols above sma(200) in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$MA200CM Symbols above sma(200) in Coal Mining
$MA200CB Symbols above sma(200) in Commercial Banks
$MA200CCE Symbols above sma(200) in Computer Communications Equipment
$MA200CM Symbols above sma(200) in Computer Manufacturing
$MA200CPE Symbols above sma(200) in Computer peripheral equipment
$MA200CSPS Symbols above sma(200) in Computer Software
$MA200CSPDP Symbols above sma(200) in Computer Software
$MA200CAET Symbols above sma(200) in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$MA200CD Symbols above sma(200) in Consumer Discretionary
$MA200CEA Symbols above sma(200) in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$MA200CEVC Symbols above sma(200) in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$MA200CS Symbols above sma(200) in Consumer Specialties
$MA200CS Symbols above sma(200) in Consumer Staples
$MA200CP Symbols above sma(200) in Containers/Packaging
$MA200DSRS Symbols above sma(200) in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$MA200DCS Symbols above sma(200) in Diversified Commercial Services
$MA200DEP Symbols above sma(200) in Diversified Electronic Products
$MA200DFS Symbols above sma(200) in Diversified Financial Services
$MA200DJ30 Symbols above sma(200) in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$MA200DJC Symbols above sma(200) in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$MA200DJTA Symbols above sma(200) in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$MA200DG Symbols above sma(200) in Durable Goods
$MA200ES Symbols above sma(200) in EDP Services
$MA200EUC Symbols above sma(200) in Electric Utilities
$MA200EP Symbols above sma(200) in Electrical Products
$MA200EC Symbols above sma(200) in Electronic Components
$MA200ED Symbols above sma(200) in Electronics Distribution
$MA200ENE Symbols above sma(200) in Energy
$MA200EC Symbols above sma(200) in Engineering & Construction
$MA200ES Symbols above sma(200) in Environmental Services
$MA200FSM Symbols above sma(200) in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$MA200FIN Symbols above sma(200) in Finance
$MA200FC Symbols above sma(200) in Finance Companies
$MA200FCS Symbols above sma(200) in Finance
$MA200FIS Symbols above sma(200) in Finance/Investors Services
$MA200FC Symbols above sma(200) in Fluid Controls
$MA200FC Symbols above sma(200) in Food Chains
$MA200FD Symbols above sma(200) in Food Distributors
$MA200FP Symbols above sma(200) in Forest Products
$MA200GBCNB Symbols above sma(200) in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$MA200HC Symbols above sma(200) in Health Care
$MA200HF Symbols above sma(200) in Home Furnishings
$MA200HOM Symbols above sma(200) in Homebuilding
$MA200HNM Symbols above sma(200) in Hospital/Nursing Management
$MA200HR Symbols above sma(200) in Hotels/Resorts
$MA200IMC Symbols above sma(200) in Industrial Machinery/Components
$MA200IS Symbols above sma(200) in Industrial Specialties
$MA200IND Symbols above sma(200) in Industrials
$MA200IOC Symbols above sma(200) in Integrated oil Companies
$MA200IBBS Symbols above sma(200) in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$MA200IM Symbols above sma(200) in Investment Managers
$MA200KB Symbols above sma(200) in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$MA200LI Symbols above sma(200) in Life Insurance
$MA200MB Symbols above sma(200) in Major Banks
$MA200MC Symbols above sma(200) in Major Chemicals
$MA200MHC Symbols above sma(200) in Managed Health Care
$MA200MT Symbols above sma(200) in Marine Transportation
$MA200MPF Symbols above sma(200) in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$MA200ME Symbols above sma(200) in Medical Electronics
$MA200MS Symbols above sma(200) in Medical Specialities
$MA200MDI Symbols above sma(200) in Medical/Dental Instruments
$MA200MNS Symbols above sma(200) in Medical/Nursing Services
$MA200MCABP Symbols above sma(200) in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$MA200MF Symbols above sma(200) in Metal Fabrications
$MA200MM Symbols above sma(200) in Metal Mining
$MA200MGT Symbols above sma(200) in Military/Government/Technical
$MA200MQONMNF Symbols above sma(200) in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$MA200MCLS Symbols above sma(200) in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$MA200MHABS Symbols above sma(200) in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$MA200MIS Symbols above sma(200) in Miscellaneous
$MA200MIS Symbols above sma(200) in Miscellaneous
$MA200MMI Symbols above sma(200) in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$MA200MV Symbols above sma(200) in Motor Vehicles
$MA200ME Symbols above sma(200) in Movies/Entertainment
$MA200MC Symbols above sma(200) in Multi-Sector Companies
$MA200N100 Symbols above sma(200) in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$MA200NB Symbols above sma(200) in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$MA200NF100 Symbols above sma(200) in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$MA200NI Symbols above sma(200) in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$MA200NNC Symbols above sma(200) in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$MA200NT Symbols above sma(200) in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$MA200NGD Symbols above sma(200) in Natural Gas Distribution
$MA200NM Symbols above sma(200) in Newspapers/Magazines
$MA200NC Symbols above sma(200) in NYSE Composite (Index)
$MA200OESS Symbols above sma(200) in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$MA200OGP Symbols above sma(200) in Oil & Gas Production
$MA200ORM Symbols above sma(200) in Oil Refining/Marketing
$MA200OGT Symbols above sma(200) in Oil/Gas Transmission
$MA200OSE Symbols above sma(200) in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$MA200OG Symbols above sma(200) in Ophthalmic Goods
$MA200OAA Symbols above sma(200) in Ordnance And Accessories
$MA200OCS Symbols above sma(200) in Other Consumer Services
$MA200OMAM Symbols above sma(200) in Other Metals and Minerals
$MA200OP Symbols above sma(200) in Other Pharmaceuticals
$MA200OSS Symbols above sma(200) in Other Specialty Stores
$MA200PGC Symbols above sma(200) in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$MA200PF Symbols above sma(200) in Packaged Foods
$MA200PC Symbols above sma(200) in Paints/Coatings
$MA200PAP Symbols above sma(200) in Paper
$MA200PAB Symbols above sma(200) in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$MA200PSGS Symbols above sma(200) in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$MA200POS Symbols above sma(200) in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$MA200PP Symbols above sma(200) in Plastic Products
$MA200PCE Symbols above sma(200) in Pollution Control Equipment
$MA200PG Symbols above sma(200) in Power Generation
$MA200PM Symbols above sma(200) in Precious Metals
$MA200PI Symbols above sma(200) in Precision Instruments
$MA200PACE Symbols above sma(200) in Professional and commerical equipment
$MA200PS Symbols above sma(200) in Professional Services
$MA200PCI Symbols above sma(200) in Property-Casualty Insurers
$MA200PUB Symbols above sma(200) in Publishing
$MA200RATBACE Symbols above sma(200) in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$MA200RAI Symbols above sma(200) in Railroads
$MA200RE Symbols above sma(200) in Real Estate
$MA200REIT Symbols above sma(200) in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$MA200RGPT Symbols above sma(200) in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$MA200RLC Symbols above sma(200) in Rental/Leasing Companies
$MA200RES Symbols above sma(200) in Restaurants
$MA200RADAGS Symbols above sma(200) in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$MA200RDSAPS Symbols above sma(200) in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$MA200RBM Symbols above sma(200) in RETAIL
$MA200RCSPE Symbols above sma(200) in Retail
$MA200R2000 Symbols above sma(200) in Russell 2000 (Index)
$MA200SP100 Symbols above sma(200) in S&P 100 (Index)
$MA200SP500 Symbols above sma(200) in S&P 500 (Index)
$MA200SPM400 Symbols above sma(200) in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$MA200SPS600 Symbols above sma(200) in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$MA200SI Symbols above sma(200) in Savings Institutions
$MA200SEM Symbols above sma(200) in Semiconductors
$MA200SMAR Symbols above sma(200) in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$MA200SM Symbols above sma(200) in Shoe Manufacturing
$MA200SC Symbols above sma(200) in Specialty Chemicals
$MA200SF Symbols above sma(200) in Specialty Foods
$MA200SI Symbols above sma(200) in Specialty Insurers
$MA200SIO Symbols above sma(200) in Steel/Iron Ore
$MA200TEC Symbols above sma(200) in Technology
$MA200TEL Symbols above sma(200) in Telecommunications
$MA200TE Symbols above sma(200) in Telecommunications Equipment
$MA200TEX Symbols above sma(200) in Textiles
$MA200TOB Symbols above sma(200) in Tobacco
$MA200TH Symbols above sma(200) in Tools/Hardware
$MA200TS Symbols above sma(200) in Transportation Services
$MA200TFCS Symbols above sma(200) in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$MA200TEERAC Symbols above sma(200) in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$MA200UTI Symbols above sma(200) in Utilities
$MA200WSPCPLC Symbols above sma(200) in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$MA200WS Symbols above sma(200) in Water Supply
$MA200WD Symbols above sma(200) in Wholesale Distributors
$H14AHI Symbols at new 14d high in Accident &Health Insurance
$H14AC Symbols at new 14d high in Acquisition corp
$H14ADV Symbols at new 14d high in Advertising
$H14AER Symbols at new 14d high in Aerospace
$H14AC Symbols at new 14d high in Agricultural Chemicals
$H14AFDS Symbols at new 14d high in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$H14ALU Symbols at new 14d high in Aluminum
$H14AA Symbols at new 14d high in Amex Airline (Index)
$H14AGB Symbols at new 14d high in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$H14AO Symbols at new 14d high in Amex Oil (Index)
$H14AP Symbols at new 14d high in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$H14APP Symbols at new 14d high in Apparel
$H14AHSS Symbols at new 14d high in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$H14AM Symbols at new 14d high in Auto Manufacturing
$H14APOEM Symbols at new 14d high in Auto Parts
$H14AA Symbols at new 14d high in Automotive Aftermarket
$H14BAN Symbols at new 14d high in Banks
$H14BM Symbols at new 14d high in Basic Materials
$H14BPD Symbols at new 14d high in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$H14BBPNDS Symbols at new 14d high in Biotechnology
$H14BCPBR Symbols at new 14d high in Biotechnology
$H14BEEA Symbols at new 14d high in Biotechnology
$H14BIVIVDS Symbols at new 14d high in Biotechnology
$H14BLAI Symbols at new 14d high in Biotechnology
$H14BPP Symbols at new 14d high in Biotechnology
$H14BC Symbols at new 14d high in Blank Checks
$H14BOO Symbols at new 14d high in Books
$H14BRO Symbols at new 14d high in Broadcasting
$H14BM Symbols at new 14d high in Building Materials
$H14BO Symbols at new 14d high in Building operators
$H14BP Symbols at new 14d high in Building Products
$H14BS Symbols at new 14d high in Business Services
$H14COPTS Symbols at new 14d high in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$H14CSD Symbols at new 14d high in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$H14CSAS Symbols at new 14d high in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$H14CM Symbols at new 14d high in Coal Mining
$H14CB Symbols at new 14d high in Commercial Banks
$H14CCE Symbols at new 14d high in Computer Communications Equipment
$H14CM Symbols at new 14d high in Computer Manufacturing
$H14CPE Symbols at new 14d high in Computer peripheral equipment
$H14CSPS Symbols at new 14d high in Computer Software
$H14CSPDP Symbols at new 14d high in Computer Software
$H14CAET Symbols at new 14d high in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$H14CD Symbols at new 14d high in Consumer Discretionary
$H14CEA Symbols at new 14d high in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$H14CEVC Symbols at new 14d high in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$H14CS Symbols at new 14d high in Consumer Specialties
$H14CS Symbols at new 14d high in Consumer Staples
$H14CP Symbols at new 14d high in Containers/Packaging
$H14DSRS Symbols at new 14d high in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$H14DCS Symbols at new 14d high in Diversified Commercial Services
$H14DEP Symbols at new 14d high in Diversified Electronic Products
$H14DFS Symbols at new 14d high in Diversified Financial Services
$H14DJ30 Symbols at new 14d high in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$H14DJC Symbols at new 14d high in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$H14DJTA Symbols at new 14d high in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$H14DG Symbols at new 14d high in Durable Goods
$H14ES Symbols at new 14d high in EDP Services
$H14EUC Symbols at new 14d high in Electric Utilities
$H14EP Symbols at new 14d high in Electrical Products
$H14EC Symbols at new 14d high in Electronic Components
$H14ED Symbols at new 14d high in Electronics Distribution
$H14ENE Symbols at new 14d high in Energy
$H14EC Symbols at new 14d high in Engineering & Construction
$H14ES Symbols at new 14d high in Environmental Services
$H14FSM Symbols at new 14d high in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$H14FIN Symbols at new 14d high in Finance
$H14FC Symbols at new 14d high in Finance Companies
$H14FCS Symbols at new 14d high in Finance
$H14FIS Symbols at new 14d high in Finance/Investors Services
$H14FC Symbols at new 14d high in Fluid Controls
$H14FC Symbols at new 14d high in Food Chains
$H14FD Symbols at new 14d high in Food Distributors
$H14FP Symbols at new 14d high in Forest Products
$H14GBCNB Symbols at new 14d high in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$H14HC Symbols at new 14d high in Health Care
$H14HF Symbols at new 14d high in Home Furnishings
$H14HOM Symbols at new 14d high in Homebuilding
$H14HNM Symbols at new 14d high in Hospital/Nursing Management
$H14HR Symbols at new 14d high in Hotels/Resorts
$H14IMC Symbols at new 14d high in Industrial Machinery/Components
$H14IS Symbols at new 14d high in Industrial Specialties
$H14IND Symbols at new 14d high in Industrials
$H14IOC Symbols at new 14d high in Integrated oil Companies
$H14IBBS Symbols at new 14d high in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$H14IM Symbols at new 14d high in Investment Managers
$H14KB Symbols at new 14d high in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$H14LI Symbols at new 14d high in Life Insurance
$H14MB Symbols at new 14d high in Major Banks
$H14MC Symbols at new 14d high in Major Chemicals
$H14MHC Symbols at new 14d high in Managed Health Care
$H14MT Symbols at new 14d high in Marine Transportation
$H14MPF Symbols at new 14d high in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$H14ME Symbols at new 14d high in Medical Electronics
$H14MS Symbols at new 14d high in Medical Specialities
$H14MDI Symbols at new 14d high in Medical/Dental Instruments
$H14MNS Symbols at new 14d high in Medical/Nursing Services
$H14MCABP Symbols at new 14d high in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$H14MF Symbols at new 14d high in Metal Fabrications
$H14MM Symbols at new 14d high in Metal Mining
$H14MGT Symbols at new 14d high in Military/Government/Technical
$H14MQONMNF Symbols at new 14d high in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$H14MCLS Symbols at new 14d high in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$H14MHABS Symbols at new 14d high in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$H14MIS Symbols at new 14d high in Miscellaneous
$H14MIS Symbols at new 14d high in Miscellaneous
$H14MMI Symbols at new 14d high in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$H14MV Symbols at new 14d high in Motor Vehicles
$H14ME Symbols at new 14d high in Movies/Entertainment
$H14MC Symbols at new 14d high in Multi-Sector Companies
$H14N100 Symbols at new 14d high in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$H14NB Symbols at new 14d high in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$H14NF100 Symbols at new 14d high in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$H14NI Symbols at new 14d high in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$H14NNC Symbols at new 14d high in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$H14NT Symbols at new 14d high in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$H14NGD Symbols at new 14d high in Natural Gas Distribution
$H14NM Symbols at new 14d high in Newspapers/Magazines
$H14NC Symbols at new 14d high in NYSE Composite (Index)
$H14OESS Symbols at new 14d high in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$H14OGP Symbols at new 14d high in Oil & Gas Production
$H14ORM Symbols at new 14d high in Oil Refining/Marketing
$H14OGT Symbols at new 14d high in Oil/Gas Transmission
$H14OSE Symbols at new 14d high in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$H14OG Symbols at new 14d high in Ophthalmic Goods
$H14OAA Symbols at new 14d high in Ordnance And Accessories
$H14OCS Symbols at new 14d high in Other Consumer Services
$H14OMAM Symbols at new 14d high in Other Metals and Minerals
$H14OP Symbols at new 14d high in Other Pharmaceuticals
$H14OSS Symbols at new 14d high in Other Specialty Stores
$H14PGC Symbols at new 14d high in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$H14PF Symbols at new 14d high in Packaged Foods
$H14PC Symbols at new 14d high in Paints/Coatings
$H14PAP Symbols at new 14d high in Paper
$H14PAB Symbols at new 14d high in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$H14PSGS Symbols at new 14d high in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$H14POS Symbols at new 14d high in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$H14PP Symbols at new 14d high in Plastic Products
$H14PCE Symbols at new 14d high in Pollution Control Equipment
$H14PG Symbols at new 14d high in Power Generation
$H14PM Symbols at new 14d high in Precious Metals
$H14PI Symbols at new 14d high in Precision Instruments
$H14PACE Symbols at new 14d high in Professional and commerical equipment
$H14PS Symbols at new 14d high in Professional Services
$H14PCI Symbols at new 14d high in Property-Casualty Insurers
$H14PUB Symbols at new 14d high in Publishing
$H14RATBACE Symbols at new 14d high in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$H14RAI Symbols at new 14d high in Railroads
$H14RE Symbols at new 14d high in Real Estate
$H14REIT Symbols at new 14d high in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$H14RGPT Symbols at new 14d high in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$H14RLC Symbols at new 14d high in Rental/Leasing Companies
$H14RES Symbols at new 14d high in Restaurants
$H14RADAGS Symbols at new 14d high in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$H14RDSAPS Symbols at new 14d high in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$H14RBM Symbols at new 14d high in RETAIL
$H14RCSPE Symbols at new 14d high in Retail
$H14R2000 Symbols at new 14d high in Russell 2000 (Index)
$H14SP100 Symbols at new 14d high in S&P 100 (Index)
$H14SP500 Symbols at new 14d high in S&P 500 (Index)
$H14SPM400 Symbols at new 14d high in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$H14SPS600 Symbols at new 14d high in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$H14SI Symbols at new 14d high in Savings Institutions
$H14SEM Symbols at new 14d high in Semiconductors
$H14SMAR Symbols at new 14d high in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$H14SM Symbols at new 14d high in Shoe Manufacturing
$H14SC Symbols at new 14d high in Specialty Chemicals
$H14SF Symbols at new 14d high in Specialty Foods
$H14SI Symbols at new 14d high in Specialty Insurers
$H14SIO Symbols at new 14d high in Steel/Iron Ore
$H14TEC Symbols at new 14d high in Technology
$H14TEL Symbols at new 14d high in Telecommunications
$H14TE Symbols at new 14d high in Telecommunications Equipment
$H14TEX Symbols at new 14d high in Textiles
$H14TOB Symbols at new 14d high in Tobacco
$H14TH Symbols at new 14d high in Tools/Hardware
$H14TS Symbols at new 14d high in Transportation Services
$H14TFCS Symbols at new 14d high in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$H14TEERAC Symbols at new 14d high in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$H14UTI Symbols at new 14d high in Utilities
$H14WSPCPLC Symbols at new 14d high in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$H14WS Symbols at new 14d high in Water Supply
$H14WD Symbols at new 14d high in Wholesale Distributors
$H21AHI Symbols at new 21d high in Accident &Health Insurance
$H21AC Symbols at new 21d high in Acquisition corp
$H21ADV Symbols at new 21d high in Advertising
$H21AER Symbols at new 21d high in Aerospace
$H21AC Symbols at new 21d high in Agricultural Chemicals
$H21AFDS Symbols at new 21d high in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$H21ALU Symbols at new 21d high in Aluminum
$H21AA Symbols at new 21d high in Amex Airline (Index)
$H21AGB Symbols at new 21d high in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$H21AO Symbols at new 21d high in Amex Oil (Index)
$H21AP Symbols at new 21d high in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$H21APP Symbols at new 21d high in Apparel
$H21AHSS Symbols at new 21d high in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$H21AM Symbols at new 21d high in Auto Manufacturing
$H21APOEM Symbols at new 21d high in Auto Parts
$H21AA Symbols at new 21d high in Automotive Aftermarket
$H21BAN Symbols at new 21d high in Banks
$H21BM Symbols at new 21d high in Basic Materials
$H21BPD Symbols at new 21d high in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$H21BBPNDS Symbols at new 21d high in Biotechnology
$H21BCPBR Symbols at new 21d high in Biotechnology
$H21BEEA Symbols at new 21d high in Biotechnology
$H21BIVIVDS Symbols at new 21d high in Biotechnology
$H21BLAI Symbols at new 21d high in Biotechnology
$H21BPP Symbols at new 21d high in Biotechnology
$H21BC Symbols at new 21d high in Blank Checks
$H21BOO Symbols at new 21d high in Books
$H21BRO Symbols at new 21d high in Broadcasting
$H21BM Symbols at new 21d high in Building Materials
$H21BO Symbols at new 21d high in Building operators
$H21BP Symbols at new 21d high in Building Products
$H21BS Symbols at new 21d high in Business Services
$H21COPTS Symbols at new 21d high in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$H21CSD Symbols at new 21d high in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$H21CSAS Symbols at new 21d high in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$H21CM Symbols at new 21d high in Coal Mining
$H21CB Symbols at new 21d high in Commercial Banks
$H21CCE Symbols at new 21d high in Computer Communications Equipment
$H21CM Symbols at new 21d high in Computer Manufacturing
$H21CPE Symbols at new 21d high in Computer peripheral equipment
$H21CSPS Symbols at new 21d high in Computer Software
$H21CSPDP Symbols at new 21d high in Computer Software
$H21CAET Symbols at new 21d high in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$H21CD Symbols at new 21d high in Consumer Discretionary
$H21CEA Symbols at new 21d high in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$H21CEVC Symbols at new 21d high in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$H21CS Symbols at new 21d high in Consumer Specialties
$H21CS Symbols at new 21d high in Consumer Staples
$H21CP Symbols at new 21d high in Containers/Packaging
$H21DSRS Symbols at new 21d high in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$H21DCS Symbols at new 21d high in Diversified Commercial Services
$H21DEP Symbols at new 21d high in Diversified Electronic Products
$H21DFS Symbols at new 21d high in Diversified Financial Services
$H21DJ30 Symbols at new 21d high in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$H21DJC Symbols at new 21d high in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$H21DJTA Symbols at new 21d high in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$H21DG Symbols at new 21d high in Durable Goods
$H21ES Symbols at new 21d high in EDP Services
$H21EUC Symbols at new 21d high in Electric Utilities
$H21EP Symbols at new 21d high in Electrical Products
$H21EC Symbols at new 21d high in Electronic Components
$H21ED Symbols at new 21d high in Electronics Distribution
$H21ENE Symbols at new 21d high in Energy
$H21EC Symbols at new 21d high in Engineering & Construction
$H21ES Symbols at new 21d high in Environmental Services
$H21FSM Symbols at new 21d high in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$H21FIN Symbols at new 21d high in Finance
$H21FC Symbols at new 21d high in Finance Companies
$H21FCS Symbols at new 21d high in Finance
$H21FIS Symbols at new 21d high in Finance/Investors Services
$H21FC Symbols at new 21d high in Fluid Controls
$H21FC Symbols at new 21d high in Food Chains
$H21FD Symbols at new 21d high in Food Distributors
$H21FP Symbols at new 21d high in Forest Products
$H21GBCNB Symbols at new 21d high in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$H21HC Symbols at new 21d high in Health Care
$H21HF Symbols at new 21d high in Home Furnishings
$H21HOM Symbols at new 21d high in Homebuilding
$H21HNM Symbols at new 21d high in Hospital/Nursing Management
$H21HR Symbols at new 21d high in Hotels/Resorts
$H21IMC Symbols at new 21d high in Industrial Machinery/Components
$H21IS Symbols at new 21d high in Industrial Specialties
$H21IND Symbols at new 21d high in Industrials
$H21IOC Symbols at new 21d high in Integrated oil Companies
$H21IBBS Symbols at new 21d high in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$H21IM Symbols at new 21d high in Investment Managers
$H21KB Symbols at new 21d high in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$H21LI Symbols at new 21d high in Life Insurance
$H21MB Symbols at new 21d high in Major Banks
$H21MC Symbols at new 21d high in Major Chemicals
$H21MHC Symbols at new 21d high in Managed Health Care
$H21MT Symbols at new 21d high in Marine Transportation
$H21MPF Symbols at new 21d high in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$H21ME Symbols at new 21d high in Medical Electronics
$H21MS Symbols at new 21d high in Medical Specialities
$H21MDI Symbols at new 21d high in Medical/Dental Instruments
$H21MNS Symbols at new 21d high in Medical/Nursing Services
$H21MCABP Symbols at new 21d high in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$H21MF Symbols at new 21d high in Metal Fabrications
$H21MM Symbols at new 21d high in Metal Mining
$H21MGT Symbols at new 21d high in Military/Government/Technical
$H21MQONMNF Symbols at new 21d high in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$H21MCLS Symbols at new 21d high in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$H21MHABS Symbols at new 21d high in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$H21MIS Symbols at new 21d high in Miscellaneous
$H21MIS Symbols at new 21d high in Miscellaneous
$H21MMI Symbols at new 21d high in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$H21MV Symbols at new 21d high in Motor Vehicles
$H21ME Symbols at new 21d high in Movies/Entertainment
$H21MC Symbols at new 21d high in Multi-Sector Companies
$H21N100 Symbols at new 21d high in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$H21NB Symbols at new 21d high in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$H21NF100 Symbols at new 21d high in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$H21NI Symbols at new 21d high in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$H21NNC Symbols at new 21d high in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$H21NT Symbols at new 21d high in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$H21NGD Symbols at new 21d high in Natural Gas Distribution
$H21NM Symbols at new 21d high in Newspapers/Magazines
$H21NC Symbols at new 21d high in NYSE Composite (Index)
$H21OESS Symbols at new 21d high in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$H21OGP Symbols at new 21d high in Oil & Gas Production
$H21ORM Symbols at new 21d high in Oil Refining/Marketing
$H21OGT Symbols at new 21d high in Oil/Gas Transmission
$H21OSE Symbols at new 21d high in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$H21OG Symbols at new 21d high in Ophthalmic Goods
$H21OAA Symbols at new 21d high in Ordnance And Accessories
$H21OCS Symbols at new 21d high in Other Consumer Services
$H21OMAM Symbols at new 21d high in Other Metals and Minerals
$H21OP Symbols at new 21d high in Other Pharmaceuticals
$H21OSS Symbols at new 21d high in Other Specialty Stores
$H21PGC Symbols at new 21d high in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$H21PF Symbols at new 21d high in Packaged Foods
$H21PC Symbols at new 21d high in Paints/Coatings
$H21PAP Symbols at new 21d high in Paper
$H21PAB Symbols at new 21d high in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$H21PSGS Symbols at new 21d high in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$H21POS Symbols at new 21d high in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$H21PP Symbols at new 21d high in Plastic Products
$H21PCE Symbols at new 21d high in Pollution Control Equipment
$H21PG Symbols at new 21d high in Power Generation
$H21PM Symbols at new 21d high in Precious Metals
$H21PI Symbols at new 21d high in Precision Instruments
$H21PACE Symbols at new 21d high in Professional and commerical equipment
$H21PS Symbols at new 21d high in Professional Services
$H21PCI Symbols at new 21d high in Property-Casualty Insurers
$H21PUB Symbols at new 21d high in Publishing
$H21RATBACE Symbols at new 21d high in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$H21RAI Symbols at new 21d high in Railroads
$H21RE Symbols at new 21d high in Real Estate
$H21REIT Symbols at new 21d high in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$H21RGPT Symbols at new 21d high in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$H21RLC Symbols at new 21d high in Rental/Leasing Companies
$H21RES Symbols at new 21d high in Restaurants
$H21RADAGS Symbols at new 21d high in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$H21RDSAPS Symbols at new 21d high in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$H21RBM Symbols at new 21d high in RETAIL
$H21RCSPE Symbols at new 21d high in Retail
$H21R2000 Symbols at new 21d high in Russell 2000 (Index)
$H21SP100 Symbols at new 21d high in S&P 100 (Index)
$H21SP500 Symbols at new 21d high in S&P 500 (Index)
$H21SPM400 Symbols at new 21d high in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$H21SPS600 Symbols at new 21d high in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$H21SI Symbols at new 21d high in Savings Institutions
$H21SEM Symbols at new 21d high in Semiconductors
$H21SMAR Symbols at new 21d high in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$H21SM Symbols at new 21d high in Shoe Manufacturing
$H21SC Symbols at new 21d high in Specialty Chemicals
$H21SF Symbols at new 21d high in Specialty Foods
$H21SI Symbols at new 21d high in Specialty Insurers
$H21SIO Symbols at new 21d high in Steel/Iron Ore
$H21TEC Symbols at new 21d high in Technology
$H21TEL Symbols at new 21d high in Telecommunications
$H21TE Symbols at new 21d high in Telecommunications Equipment
$H21TEX Symbols at new 21d high in Textiles
$H21TOB Symbols at new 21d high in Tobacco
$H21TH Symbols at new 21d high in Tools/Hardware
$H21TS Symbols at new 21d high in Transportation Services
$H21TFCS Symbols at new 21d high in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$H21TEERAC Symbols at new 21d high in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$H21UTI Symbols at new 21d high in Utilities
$H21WSPCPLC Symbols at new 21d high in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$H21WS Symbols at new 21d high in Water Supply
$H21WD Symbols at new 21d high in Wholesale Distributors
$H63AHI Symbols at new 63d high in Accident &Health Insurance
$H63AC Symbols at new 63d high in Acquisition corp
$H63ADV Symbols at new 63d high in Advertising
$H63AER Symbols at new 63d high in Aerospace
$H63AC Symbols at new 63d high in Agricultural Chemicals
$H63AFDS Symbols at new 63d high in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$H63ALU Symbols at new 63d high in Aluminum
$H63AA Symbols at new 63d high in Amex Airline (Index)
$H63AGB Symbols at new 63d high in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$H63AO Symbols at new 63d high in Amex Oil (Index)
$H63AP Symbols at new 63d high in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$H63APP Symbols at new 63d high in Apparel
$H63AHSS Symbols at new 63d high in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$H63AM Symbols at new 63d high in Auto Manufacturing
$H63APOEM Symbols at new 63d high in Auto Parts
$H63AA Symbols at new 63d high in Automotive Aftermarket
$H63BAN Symbols at new 63d high in Banks
$H63BM Symbols at new 63d high in Basic Materials
$H63BPD Symbols at new 63d high in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$H63BBPNDS Symbols at new 63d high in Biotechnology
$H63BCPBR Symbols at new 63d high in Biotechnology
$H63BEEA Symbols at new 63d high in Biotechnology
$H63BIVIVDS Symbols at new 63d high in Biotechnology
$H63BLAI Symbols at new 63d high in Biotechnology
$H63BPP Symbols at new 63d high in Biotechnology
$H63BC Symbols at new 63d high in Blank Checks
$H63BOO Symbols at new 63d high in Books
$H63BRO Symbols at new 63d high in Broadcasting
$H63BM Symbols at new 63d high in Building Materials
$H63BO Symbols at new 63d high in Building operators
$H63BP Symbols at new 63d high in Building Products
$H63BS Symbols at new 63d high in Business Services
$H63COPTS Symbols at new 63d high in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$H63CSD Symbols at new 63d high in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$H63CSAS Symbols at new 63d high in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$H63CM Symbols at new 63d high in Coal Mining
$H63CB Symbols at new 63d high in Commercial Banks
$H63CCE Symbols at new 63d high in Computer Communications Equipment
$H63CM Symbols at new 63d high in Computer Manufacturing
$H63CPE Symbols at new 63d high in Computer peripheral equipment
$H63CSPS Symbols at new 63d high in Computer Software
$H63CSPDP Symbols at new 63d high in Computer Software
$H63CAET Symbols at new 63d high in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$H63CD Symbols at new 63d high in Consumer Discretionary
$H63CEA Symbols at new 63d high in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$H63CEVC Symbols at new 63d high in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$H63CS Symbols at new 63d high in Consumer Specialties
$H63CS Symbols at new 63d high in Consumer Staples
$H63CP Symbols at new 63d high in Containers/Packaging
$H63DSRS Symbols at new 63d high in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$H63DCS Symbols at new 63d high in Diversified Commercial Services
$H63DEP Symbols at new 63d high in Diversified Electronic Products
$H63DFS Symbols at new 63d high in Diversified Financial Services
$H63DJ30 Symbols at new 63d high in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$H63DJC Symbols at new 63d high in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$H63DJTA Symbols at new 63d high in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$H63DG Symbols at new 63d high in Durable Goods
$H63ES Symbols at new 63d high in EDP Services
$H63EUC Symbols at new 63d high in Electric Utilities
$H63EP Symbols at new 63d high in Electrical Products
$H63EC Symbols at new 63d high in Electronic Components
$H63ED Symbols at new 63d high in Electronics Distribution
$H63ENE Symbols at new 63d high in Energy
$H63EC Symbols at new 63d high in Engineering & Construction
$H63ES Symbols at new 63d high in Environmental Services
$H63FSM Symbols at new 63d high in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$H63FIN Symbols at new 63d high in Finance
$H63FC Symbols at new 63d high in Finance Companies
$H63FCS Symbols at new 63d high in Finance
$H63FIS Symbols at new 63d high in Finance/Investors Services
$H63FC Symbols at new 63d high in Fluid Controls
$H63FC Symbols at new 63d high in Food Chains
$H63FD Symbols at new 63d high in Food Distributors
$H63FP Symbols at new 63d high in Forest Products
$H63GBCNB Symbols at new 63d high in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$H63HC Symbols at new 63d high in Health Care
$H63HF Symbols at new 63d high in Home Furnishings
$H63HOM Symbols at new 63d high in Homebuilding
$H63HNM Symbols at new 63d high in Hospital/Nursing Management
$H63HR Symbols at new 63d high in Hotels/Resorts
$H63IMC Symbols at new 63d high in Industrial Machinery/Components
$H63IS Symbols at new 63d high in Industrial Specialties
$H63IND Symbols at new 63d high in Industrials
$H63IOC Symbols at new 63d high in Integrated oil Companies
$H63IBBS Symbols at new 63d high in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$H63IM Symbols at new 63d high in Investment Managers
$H63KB Symbols at new 63d high in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$H63LI Symbols at new 63d high in Life Insurance
$H63MB Symbols at new 63d high in Major Banks
$H63MC Symbols at new 63d high in Major Chemicals
$H63MHC Symbols at new 63d high in Managed Health Care
$H63MT Symbols at new 63d high in Marine Transportation
$H63MPF Symbols at new 63d high in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$H63ME Symbols at new 63d high in Medical Electronics
$H63MS Symbols at new 63d high in Medical Specialities
$H63MDI Symbols at new 63d high in Medical/Dental Instruments
$H63MNS Symbols at new 63d high in Medical/Nursing Services
$H63MCABP Symbols at new 63d high in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$H63MF Symbols at new 63d high in Metal Fabrications
$H63MM Symbols at new 63d high in Metal Mining
$H63MGT Symbols at new 63d high in Military/Government/Technical
$H63MQONMNF Symbols at new 63d high in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$H63MCLS Symbols at new 63d high in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$H63MHABS Symbols at new 63d high in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$H63MIS Symbols at new 63d high in Miscellaneous
$H63MIS Symbols at new 63d high in Miscellaneous
$H63MMI Symbols at new 63d high in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$H63MV Symbols at new 63d high in Motor Vehicles
$H63ME Symbols at new 63d high in Movies/Entertainment
$H63MC Symbols at new 63d high in Multi-Sector Companies
$H63N100 Symbols at new 63d high in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$H63NB Symbols at new 63d high in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$H63NF100 Symbols at new 63d high in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$H63NI Symbols at new 63d high in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$H63NNC Symbols at new 63d high in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$H63NT Symbols at new 63d high in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$H63NGD Symbols at new 63d high in Natural Gas Distribution
$H63NM Symbols at new 63d high in Newspapers/Magazines
$H63NC Symbols at new 63d high in NYSE Composite (Index)
$H63OESS Symbols at new 63d high in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$H63OGP Symbols at new 63d high in Oil & Gas Production
$H63ORM Symbols at new 63d high in Oil Refining/Marketing
$H63OGT Symbols at new 63d high in Oil/Gas Transmission
$H63OSE Symbols at new 63d high in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$H63OG Symbols at new 63d high in Ophthalmic Goods
$H63OAA Symbols at new 63d high in Ordnance And Accessories
$H63OCS Symbols at new 63d high in Other Consumer Services
$H63OMAM Symbols at new 63d high in Other Metals and Minerals
$H63OP Symbols at new 63d high in Other Pharmaceuticals
$H63OSS Symbols at new 63d high in Other Specialty Stores
$H63PGC Symbols at new 63d high in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$H63PF Symbols at new 63d high in Packaged Foods
$H63PC Symbols at new 63d high in Paints/Coatings
$H63PAP Symbols at new 63d high in Paper
$H63PAB Symbols at new 63d high in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$H63PSGS Symbols at new 63d high in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$H63POS Symbols at new 63d high in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$H63PP Symbols at new 63d high in Plastic Products
$H63PCE Symbols at new 63d high in Pollution Control Equipment
$H63PG Symbols at new 63d high in Power Generation
$H63PM Symbols at new 63d high in Precious Metals
$H63PI Symbols at new 63d high in Precision Instruments
$H63PACE Symbols at new 63d high in Professional and commerical equipment
$H63PS Symbols at new 63d high in Professional Services
$H63PCI Symbols at new 63d high in Property-Casualty Insurers
$H63PUB Symbols at new 63d high in Publishing
$H63RATBACE Symbols at new 63d high in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$H63RAI Symbols at new 63d high in Railroads
$H63RE Symbols at new 63d high in Real Estate
$H63REIT Symbols at new 63d high in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$H63RGPT Symbols at new 63d high in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$H63RLC Symbols at new 63d high in Rental/Leasing Companies
$H63RES Symbols at new 63d high in Restaurants
$H63RADAGS Symbols at new 63d high in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$H63RDSAPS Symbols at new 63d high in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$H63RBM Symbols at new 63d high in RETAIL
$H63RCSPE Symbols at new 63d high in Retail
$H63R2000 Symbols at new 63d high in Russell 2000 (Index)
$H63SP100 Symbols at new 63d high in S&P 100 (Index)
$H63SP500 Symbols at new 63d high in S&P 500 (Index)
$H63SPM400 Symbols at new 63d high in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$H63SPS600 Symbols at new 63d high in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$H63SI Symbols at new 63d high in Savings Institutions
$H63SEM Symbols at new 63d high in Semiconductors
$H63SMAR Symbols at new 63d high in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$H63SM Symbols at new 63d high in Shoe Manufacturing
$H63SC Symbols at new 63d high in Specialty Chemicals
$H63SF Symbols at new 63d high in Specialty Foods
$H63SI Symbols at new 63d high in Specialty Insurers
$H63SIO Symbols at new 63d high in Steel/Iron Ore
$H63TEC Symbols at new 63d high in Technology
$H63TEL Symbols at new 63d high in Telecommunications
$H63TE Symbols at new 63d high in Telecommunications Equipment
$H63TEX Symbols at new 63d high in Textiles
$H63TOB Symbols at new 63d high in Tobacco
$H63TH Symbols at new 63d high in Tools/Hardware
$H63TS Symbols at new 63d high in Transportation Services
$H63TFCS Symbols at new 63d high in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$H63TEERAC Symbols at new 63d high in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$H63UTI Symbols at new 63d high in Utilities
$H63WSPCPLC Symbols at new 63d high in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$H63WS Symbols at new 63d high in Water Supply
$H63WD Symbols at new 63d high in Wholesale Distributors
$L14AHI Symbols at new 14d low in Accident &Health Insurance
$L14AC Symbols at new 14d low in Acquisition corp
$L14ADV Symbols at new 14d low in Advertising
$L14AER Symbols at new 14d low in Aerospace
$L14AC Symbols at new 14d low in Agricultural Chemicals
$L14AFDS Symbols at new 14d low in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$L14ALU Symbols at new 14d low in Aluminum
$L14AA Symbols at new 14d low in Amex Airline (Index)
$L14AGB Symbols at new 14d low in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$L14AO Symbols at new 14d low in Amex Oil (Index)
$L14AP Symbols at new 14d low in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$L14APP Symbols at new 14d low in Apparel
$L14AHSS Symbols at new 14d low in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$L14AM Symbols at new 14d low in Auto Manufacturing
$L14APOEM Symbols at new 14d low in Auto Parts
$L14AA Symbols at new 14d low in Automotive Aftermarket
$L14BAN Symbols at new 14d low in Banks
$L14BM Symbols at new 14d low in Basic Materials
$L14BPD Symbols at new 14d low in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$L14BBPNDS Symbols at new 14d low in Biotechnology
$L14BCPBR Symbols at new 14d low in Biotechnology
$L14BEEA Symbols at new 14d low in Biotechnology
$L14BIVIVDS Symbols at new 14d low in Biotechnology
$L14BLAI Symbols at new 14d low in Biotechnology
$L14BPP Symbols at new 14d low in Biotechnology
$L14BC Symbols at new 14d low in Blank Checks
$L14BOO Symbols at new 14d low in Books
$L14BRO Symbols at new 14d low in Broadcasting
$L14BM Symbols at new 14d low in Building Materials
$L14BO Symbols at new 14d low in Building operators
$L14BP Symbols at new 14d low in Building Products
$L14BS Symbols at new 14d low in Business Services
$L14COPTS Symbols at new 14d low in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$L14CSD Symbols at new 14d low in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$L14CSAS Symbols at new 14d low in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$L14CM Symbols at new 14d low in Coal Mining
$L14CB Symbols at new 14d low in Commercial Banks
$L14CCE Symbols at new 14d low in Computer Communications Equipment
$L14CM Symbols at new 14d low in Computer Manufacturing
$L14CPE Symbols at new 14d low in Computer peripheral equipment
$L14CSPS Symbols at new 14d low in Computer Software
$L14CSPDP Symbols at new 14d low in Computer Software
$L14CAET Symbols at new 14d low in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$L14CD Symbols at new 14d low in Consumer Discretionary
$L14CEA Symbols at new 14d low in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$L14CEVC Symbols at new 14d low in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$L14CS Symbols at new 14d low in Consumer Specialties
$L14CS Symbols at new 14d low in Consumer Staples
$L14CP Symbols at new 14d low in Containers/Packaging
$L14DSRS Symbols at new 14d low in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$L14DCS Symbols at new 14d low in Diversified Commercial Services
$L14DEP Symbols at new 14d low in Diversified Electronic Products
$L14DFS Symbols at new 14d low in Diversified Financial Services
$L14DJ30 Symbols at new 14d low in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$L14DJC Symbols at new 14d low in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$L14DJTA Symbols at new 14d low in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$L14DG Symbols at new 14d low in Durable Goods
$L14ES Symbols at new 14d low in EDP Services
$L14EUC Symbols at new 14d low in Electric Utilities
$L14EP Symbols at new 14d low in Electrical Products
$L14EC Symbols at new 14d low in Electronic Components
$L14ED Symbols at new 14d low in Electronics Distribution
$L14ENE Symbols at new 14d low in Energy
$L14EC Symbols at new 14d low in Engineering & Construction
$L14ES Symbols at new 14d low in Environmental Services
$L14FSM Symbols at new 14d low in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$L14FIN Symbols at new 14d low in Finance
$L14FC Symbols at new 14d low in Finance Companies
$L14FCS Symbols at new 14d low in Finance
$L14FIS Symbols at new 14d low in Finance/Investors Services
$L14FC Symbols at new 14d low in Fluid Controls
$L14FC Symbols at new 14d low in Food Chains
$L14FD Symbols at new 14d low in Food Distributors
$L14FP Symbols at new 14d low in Forest Products
$L14GBCNB Symbols at new 14d low in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$L14HC Symbols at new 14d low in Health Care
$L14HF Symbols at new 14d low in Home Furnishings
$L14HOM Symbols at new 14d low in Homebuilding
$L14HNM Symbols at new 14d low in Hospital/Nursing Management
$L14HR Symbols at new 14d low in Hotels/Resorts
$L14IMC Symbols at new 14d low in Industrial Machinery/Components
$L14IS Symbols at new 14d low in Industrial Specialties
$L14IND Symbols at new 14d low in Industrials
$L14IOC Symbols at new 14d low in Integrated oil Companies
$L14IBBS Symbols at new 14d low in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$L14IM Symbols at new 14d low in Investment Managers
$L14KB Symbols at new 14d low in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$L14LI Symbols at new 14d low in Life Insurance
$L14MB Symbols at new 14d low in Major Banks
$L14MC Symbols at new 14d low in Major Chemicals
$L14MHC Symbols at new 14d low in Managed Health Care
$L14MT Symbols at new 14d low in Marine Transportation
$L14MPF Symbols at new 14d low in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$L14ME Symbols at new 14d low in Medical Electronics
$L14MS Symbols at new 14d low in Medical Specialities
$L14MDI Symbols at new 14d low in Medical/Dental Instruments
$L14MNS Symbols at new 14d low in Medical/Nursing Services
$L14MCABP Symbols at new 14d low in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$L14MF Symbols at new 14d low in Metal Fabrications
$L14MM Symbols at new 14d low in Metal Mining
$L14MGT Symbols at new 14d low in Military/Government/Technical
$L14MQONMNF Symbols at new 14d low in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$L14MCLS Symbols at new 14d low in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$L14MHABS Symbols at new 14d low in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$L14MIS Symbols at new 14d low in Miscellaneous
$L14MIS Symbols at new 14d low in Miscellaneous
$L14MMI Symbols at new 14d low in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$L14MV Symbols at new 14d low in Motor Vehicles
$L14ME Symbols at new 14d low in Movies/Entertainment
$L14MC Symbols at new 14d low in Multi-Sector Companies
$L14N100 Symbols at new 14d low in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$L14NB Symbols at new 14d low in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$L14NF100 Symbols at new 14d low in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$L14NI Symbols at new 14d low in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$L14NNC Symbols at new 14d low in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$L14NT Symbols at new 14d low in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$L14NGD Symbols at new 14d low in Natural Gas Distribution
$L14NM Symbols at new 14d low in Newspapers/Magazines
$L14NC Symbols at new 14d low in NYSE Composite (Index)
$L14OESS Symbols at new 14d low in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$L14OGP Symbols at new 14d low in Oil & Gas Production
$L14ORM Symbols at new 14d low in Oil Refining/Marketing
$L14OGT Symbols at new 14d low in Oil/Gas Transmission
$L14OSE Symbols at new 14d low in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$L14OG Symbols at new 14d low in Ophthalmic Goods
$L14OAA Symbols at new 14d low in Ordnance And Accessories
$L14OCS Symbols at new 14d low in Other Consumer Services
$L14OMAM Symbols at new 14d low in Other Metals and Minerals
$L14OP Symbols at new 14d low in Other Pharmaceuticals
$L14OSS Symbols at new 14d low in Other Specialty Stores
$L14PGC Symbols at new 14d low in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$L14PF Symbols at new 14d low in Packaged Foods
$L14PC Symbols at new 14d low in Paints/Coatings
$L14PAP Symbols at new 14d low in Paper
$L14PAB Symbols at new 14d low in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$L14PSGS Symbols at new 14d low in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$L14POS Symbols at new 14d low in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$L14PP Symbols at new 14d low in Plastic Products
$L14PCE Symbols at new 14d low in Pollution Control Equipment
$L14PG Symbols at new 14d low in Power Generation
$L14PM Symbols at new 14d low in Precious Metals
$L14PI Symbols at new 14d low in Precision Instruments
$L14PACE Symbols at new 14d low in Professional and commerical equipment
$L14PS Symbols at new 14d low in Professional Services
$L14PCI Symbols at new 14d low in Property-Casualty Insurers
$L14PUB Symbols at new 14d low in Publishing
$L14RATBACE Symbols at new 14d low in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$L14RAI Symbols at new 14d low in Railroads
$L14RE Symbols at new 14d low in Real Estate
$L14REIT Symbols at new 14d low in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$L14RGPT Symbols at new 14d low in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$L14RLC Symbols at new 14d low in Rental/Leasing Companies
$L14RES Symbols at new 14d low in Restaurants
$L14RADAGS Symbols at new 14d low in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$L14RDSAPS Symbols at new 14d low in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$L14RBM Symbols at new 14d low in RETAIL
$L14RCSPE Symbols at new 14d low in Retail
$L14R2000 Symbols at new 14d low in Russell 2000 (Index)
$L14SP100 Symbols at new 14d low in S&P 100 (Index)
$L14SP500 Symbols at new 14d low in S&P 500 (Index)
$L14SPM400 Symbols at new 14d low in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$L14SPS600 Symbols at new 14d low in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$L14SI Symbols at new 14d low in Savings Institutions
$L14SEM Symbols at new 14d low in Semiconductors
$L14SMAR Symbols at new 14d low in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$L14SM Symbols at new 14d low in Shoe Manufacturing
$L14SC Symbols at new 14d low in Specialty Chemicals
$L14SF Symbols at new 14d low in Specialty Foods
$L14SI Symbols at new 14d low in Specialty Insurers
$L14SIO Symbols at new 14d low in Steel/Iron Ore
$L14TEC Symbols at new 14d low in Technology
$L14TEL Symbols at new 14d low in Telecommunications
$L14TE Symbols at new 14d low in Telecommunications Equipment
$L14TEX Symbols at new 14d low in Textiles
$L14TOB Symbols at new 14d low in Tobacco
$L14TH Symbols at new 14d low in Tools/Hardware
$L14TS Symbols at new 14d low in Transportation Services
$L14TFCS Symbols at new 14d low in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$L14TEERAC Symbols at new 14d low in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$L14UTI Symbols at new 14d low in Utilities
$L14WSPCPLC Symbols at new 14d low in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$L14WS Symbols at new 14d low in Water Supply
$L14WD Symbols at new 14d low in Wholesale Distributors
$L21AHI Symbols at new 21d low in Accident &Health Insurance
$L21AC Symbols at new 21d low in Acquisition corp
$L21ADV Symbols at new 21d low in Advertising
$L21AER Symbols at new 21d low in Aerospace
$L21AC Symbols at new 21d low in Agricultural Chemicals
$L21AFDS Symbols at new 21d low in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$L21ALU Symbols at new 21d low in Aluminum
$L21AA Symbols at new 21d low in Amex Airline (Index)
$L21AGB Symbols at new 21d low in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$L21AO Symbols at new 21d low in Amex Oil (Index)
$L21AP Symbols at new 21d low in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$L21APP Symbols at new 21d low in Apparel
$L21AHSS Symbols at new 21d low in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$L21AM Symbols at new 21d low in Auto Manufacturing
$L21APOEM Symbols at new 21d low in Auto Parts
$L21AA Symbols at new 21d low in Automotive Aftermarket
$L21BAN Symbols at new 21d low in Banks
$L21BM Symbols at new 21d low in Basic Materials
$L21BPD Symbols at new 21d low in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$L21BBPNDS Symbols at new 21d low in Biotechnology
$L21BCPBR Symbols at new 21d low in Biotechnology
$L21BEEA Symbols at new 21d low in Biotechnology
$L21BIVIVDS Symbols at new 21d low in Biotechnology
$L21BLAI Symbols at new 21d low in Biotechnology
$L21BPP Symbols at new 21d low in Biotechnology
$L21BC Symbols at new 21d low in Blank Checks
$L21BOO Symbols at new 21d low in Books
$L21BRO Symbols at new 21d low in Broadcasting
$L21BM Symbols at new 21d low in Building Materials
$L21BO Symbols at new 21d low in Building operators
$L21BP Symbols at new 21d low in Building Products
$L21BS Symbols at new 21d low in Business Services
$L21COPTS Symbols at new 21d low in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$L21CSD Symbols at new 21d low in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$L21CSAS Symbols at new 21d low in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$L21CM Symbols at new 21d low in Coal Mining
$L21CB Symbols at new 21d low in Commercial Banks
$L21CCE Symbols at new 21d low in Computer Communications Equipment
$L21CM Symbols at new 21d low in Computer Manufacturing
$L21CPE Symbols at new 21d low in Computer peripheral equipment
$L21CSPS Symbols at new 21d low in Computer Software
$L21CSPDP Symbols at new 21d low in Computer Software
$L21CAET Symbols at new 21d low in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$L21CD Symbols at new 21d low in Consumer Discretionary
$L21CEA Symbols at new 21d low in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$L21CEVC Symbols at new 21d low in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$L21CS Symbols at new 21d low in Consumer Specialties
$L21CS Symbols at new 21d low in Consumer Staples
$L21CP Symbols at new 21d low in Containers/Packaging
$L21DSRS Symbols at new 21d low in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$L21DCS Symbols at new 21d low in Diversified Commercial Services
$L21DEP Symbols at new 21d low in Diversified Electronic Products
$L21DFS Symbols at new 21d low in Diversified Financial Services
$L21DJ30 Symbols at new 21d low in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$L21DJC Symbols at new 21d low in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$L21DJTA Symbols at new 21d low in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$L21DG Symbols at new 21d low in Durable Goods
$L21ES Symbols at new 21d low in EDP Services
$L21EUC Symbols at new 21d low in Electric Utilities
$L21EP Symbols at new 21d low in Electrical Products
$L21EC Symbols at new 21d low in Electronic Components
$L21ED Symbols at new 21d low in Electronics Distribution
$L21ENE Symbols at new 21d low in Energy
$L21EC Symbols at new 21d low in Engineering & Construction
$L21ES Symbols at new 21d low in Environmental Services
$L21FSM Symbols at new 21d low in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$L21FIN Symbols at new 21d low in Finance
$L21FC Symbols at new 21d low in Finance Companies
$L21FCS Symbols at new 21d low in Finance
$L21FIS Symbols at new 21d low in Finance/Investors Services
$L21FC Symbols at new 21d low in Fluid Controls
$L21FC Symbols at new 21d low in Food Chains
$L21FD Symbols at new 21d low in Food Distributors
$L21FP Symbols at new 21d low in Forest Products
$L21GBCNB Symbols at new 21d low in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$L21HC Symbols at new 21d low in Health Care
$L21HF Symbols at new 21d low in Home Furnishings
$L21HOM Symbols at new 21d low in Homebuilding
$L21HNM Symbols at new 21d low in Hospital/Nursing Management
$L21HR Symbols at new 21d low in Hotels/Resorts
$L21IMC Symbols at new 21d low in Industrial Machinery/Components
$L21IS Symbols at new 21d low in Industrial Specialties
$L21IND Symbols at new 21d low in Industrials
$L21IOC Symbols at new 21d low in Integrated oil Companies
$L21IBBS Symbols at new 21d low in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$L21IM Symbols at new 21d low in Investment Managers
$L21KB Symbols at new 21d low in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$L21LI Symbols at new 21d low in Life Insurance
$L21MB Symbols at new 21d low in Major Banks
$L21MC Symbols at new 21d low in Major Chemicals
$L21MHC Symbols at new 21d low in Managed Health Care
$L21MT Symbols at new 21d low in Marine Transportation
$L21MPF Symbols at new 21d low in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$L21ME Symbols at new 21d low in Medical Electronics
$L21MS Symbols at new 21d low in Medical Specialities
$L21MDI Symbols at new 21d low in Medical/Dental Instruments
$L21MNS Symbols at new 21d low in Medical/Nursing Services
$L21MCABP Symbols at new 21d low in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$L21MF Symbols at new 21d low in Metal Fabrications
$L21MM Symbols at new 21d low in Metal Mining
$L21MGT Symbols at new 21d low in Military/Government/Technical
$L21MQONMNF Symbols at new 21d low in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$L21MCLS Symbols at new 21d low in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$L21MHABS Symbols at new 21d low in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$L21MIS Symbols at new 21d low in Miscellaneous
$L21MIS Symbols at new 21d low in Miscellaneous
$L21MMI Symbols at new 21d low in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$L21MV Symbols at new 21d low in Motor Vehicles
$L21ME Symbols at new 21d low in Movies/Entertainment
$L21MC Symbols at new 21d low in Multi-Sector Companies
$L21N100 Symbols at new 21d low in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$L21NB Symbols at new 21d low in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$L21NF100 Symbols at new 21d low in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$L21NI Symbols at new 21d low in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$L21NNC Symbols at new 21d low in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$L21NT Symbols at new 21d low in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$L21NGD Symbols at new 21d low in Natural Gas Distribution
$L21NM Symbols at new 21d low in Newspapers/Magazines
$L21NC Symbols at new 21d low in NYSE Composite (Index)
$L21OESS Symbols at new 21d low in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$L21OGP Symbols at new 21d low in Oil & Gas Production
$L21ORM Symbols at new 21d low in Oil Refining/Marketing
$L21OGT Symbols at new 21d low in Oil/Gas Transmission
$L21OSE Symbols at new 21d low in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$L21OG Symbols at new 21d low in Ophthalmic Goods
$L21OAA Symbols at new 21d low in Ordnance And Accessories
$L21OCS Symbols at new 21d low in Other Consumer Services
$L21OMAM Symbols at new 21d low in Other Metals and Minerals
$L21OP Symbols at new 21d low in Other Pharmaceuticals
$L21OSS Symbols at new 21d low in Other Specialty Stores
$L21PGC Symbols at new 21d low in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$L21PF Symbols at new 21d low in Packaged Foods
$L21PC Symbols at new 21d low in Paints/Coatings
$L21PAP Symbols at new 21d low in Paper
$L21PAB Symbols at new 21d low in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$L21PSGS Symbols at new 21d low in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$L21POS Symbols at new 21d low in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$L21PP Symbols at new 21d low in Plastic Products
$L21PCE Symbols at new 21d low in Pollution Control Equipment
$L21PG Symbols at new 21d low in Power Generation
$L21PM Symbols at new 21d low in Precious Metals
$L21PI Symbols at new 21d low in Precision Instruments
$L21PACE Symbols at new 21d low in Professional and commerical equipment
$L21PS Symbols at new 21d low in Professional Services
$L21PCI Symbols at new 21d low in Property-Casualty Insurers
$L21PUB Symbols at new 21d low in Publishing
$L21RATBACE Symbols at new 21d low in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$L21RAI Symbols at new 21d low in Railroads
$L21RE Symbols at new 21d low in Real Estate
$L21REIT Symbols at new 21d low in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$L21RGPT Symbols at new 21d low in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$L21RLC Symbols at new 21d low in Rental/Leasing Companies
$L21RES Symbols at new 21d low in Restaurants
$L21RADAGS Symbols at new 21d low in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$L21RDSAPS Symbols at new 21d low in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$L21RBM Symbols at new 21d low in RETAIL
$L21RCSPE Symbols at new 21d low in Retail
$L21R2000 Symbols at new 21d low in Russell 2000 (Index)
$L21SP100 Symbols at new 21d low in S&P 100 (Index)
$L21SP500 Symbols at new 21d low in S&P 500 (Index)
$L21SPM400 Symbols at new 21d low in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$L21SPS600 Symbols at new 21d low in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$L21SI Symbols at new 21d low in Savings Institutions
$L21SEM Symbols at new 21d low in Semiconductors
$L21SMAR Symbols at new 21d low in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$L21SM Symbols at new 21d low in Shoe Manufacturing
$L21SC Symbols at new 21d low in Specialty Chemicals
$L21SF Symbols at new 21d low in Specialty Foods
$L21SI Symbols at new 21d low in Specialty Insurers
$L21SIO Symbols at new 21d low in Steel/Iron Ore
$L21TEC Symbols at new 21d low in Technology
$L21TEL Symbols at new 21d low in Telecommunications
$L21TE Symbols at new 21d low in Telecommunications Equipment
$L21TEX Symbols at new 21d low in Textiles
$L21TOB Symbols at new 21d low in Tobacco
$L21TH Symbols at new 21d low in Tools/Hardware
$L21TS Symbols at new 21d low in Transportation Services
$L21TFCS Symbols at new 21d low in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$L21TEERAC Symbols at new 21d low in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$L21UTI Symbols at new 21d low in Utilities
$L21WSPCPLC Symbols at new 21d low in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$L21WS Symbols at new 21d low in Water Supply
$L21WD Symbols at new 21d low in Wholesale Distributors
$L63AHI Symbols at new 63d low in Accident &Health Insurance
$L63AC Symbols at new 63d low in Acquisition corp
$L63ADV Symbols at new 63d low in Advertising
$L63AER Symbols at new 63d low in Aerospace
$L63AC Symbols at new 63d low in Agricultural Chemicals
$L63AFDS Symbols at new 63d low in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$L63ALU Symbols at new 63d low in Aluminum
$L63AA Symbols at new 63d low in Amex Airline (Index)
$L63AGB Symbols at new 63d low in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$L63AO Symbols at new 63d low in Amex Oil (Index)
$L63AP Symbols at new 63d low in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$L63APP Symbols at new 63d low in Apparel
$L63AHSS Symbols at new 63d low in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$L63AM Symbols at new 63d low in Auto Manufacturing
$L63APOEM Symbols at new 63d low in Auto Parts
$L63AA Symbols at new 63d low in Automotive Aftermarket
$L63BAN Symbols at new 63d low in Banks
$L63BM Symbols at new 63d low in Basic Materials
$L63BPD Symbols at new 63d low in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$L63BBPNDS Symbols at new 63d low in Biotechnology
$L63BCPBR Symbols at new 63d low in Biotechnology
$L63BEEA Symbols at new 63d low in Biotechnology
$L63BIVIVDS Symbols at new 63d low in Biotechnology
$L63BLAI Symbols at new 63d low in Biotechnology
$L63BPP Symbols at new 63d low in Biotechnology
$L63BC Symbols at new 63d low in Blank Checks
$L63BOO Symbols at new 63d low in Books
$L63BRO Symbols at new 63d low in Broadcasting
$L63BM Symbols at new 63d low in Building Materials
$L63BO Symbols at new 63d low in Building operators
$L63BP Symbols at new 63d low in Building Products
$L63BS Symbols at new 63d low in Business Services
$L63COPTS Symbols at new 63d low in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$L63CSD Symbols at new 63d low in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$L63CSAS Symbols at new 63d low in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$L63CM Symbols at new 63d low in Coal Mining
$L63CB Symbols at new 63d low in Commercial Banks
$L63CCE Symbols at new 63d low in Computer Communications Equipment
$L63CM Symbols at new 63d low in Computer Manufacturing
$L63CPE Symbols at new 63d low in Computer peripheral equipment
$L63CSPS Symbols at new 63d low in Computer Software
$L63CSPDP Symbols at new 63d low in Computer Software
$L63CAET Symbols at new 63d low in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$L63CD Symbols at new 63d low in Consumer Discretionary
$L63CEA Symbols at new 63d low in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$L63CEVC Symbols at new 63d low in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$L63CS Symbols at new 63d low in Consumer Specialties
$L63CS Symbols at new 63d low in Consumer Staples
$L63CP Symbols at new 63d low in Containers/Packaging
$L63DSRS Symbols at new 63d low in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$L63DCS Symbols at new 63d low in Diversified Commercial Services
$L63DEP Symbols at new 63d low in Diversified Electronic Products
$L63DFS Symbols at new 63d low in Diversified Financial Services
$L63DJ30 Symbols at new 63d low in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$L63DJC Symbols at new 63d low in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$L63DJTA Symbols at new 63d low in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$L63DG Symbols at new 63d low in Durable Goods
$L63ES Symbols at new 63d low in EDP Services
$L63EUC Symbols at new 63d low in Electric Utilities
$L63EP Symbols at new 63d low in Electrical Products
$L63EC Symbols at new 63d low in Electronic Components
$L63ED Symbols at new 63d low in Electronics Distribution
$L63ENE Symbols at new 63d low in Energy
$L63EC Symbols at new 63d low in Engineering & Construction
$L63ES Symbols at new 63d low in Environmental Services
$L63FSM Symbols at new 63d low in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$L63FIN Symbols at new 63d low in Finance
$L63FC Symbols at new 63d low in Finance Companies
$L63FCS Symbols at new 63d low in Finance
$L63FIS Symbols at new 63d low in Finance/Investors Services
$L63FC Symbols at new 63d low in Fluid Controls
$L63FC Symbols at new 63d low in Food Chains
$L63FD Symbols at new 63d low in Food Distributors
$L63FP Symbols at new 63d low in Forest Products
$L63GBCNB Symbols at new 63d low in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$L63HC Symbols at new 63d low in Health Care
$L63HF Symbols at new 63d low in Home Furnishings
$L63HOM Symbols at new 63d low in Homebuilding
$L63HNM Symbols at new 63d low in Hospital/Nursing Management
$L63HR Symbols at new 63d low in Hotels/Resorts
$L63IMC Symbols at new 63d low in Industrial Machinery/Components
$L63IS Symbols at new 63d low in Industrial Specialties
$L63IND Symbols at new 63d low in Industrials
$L63IOC Symbols at new 63d low in Integrated oil Companies
$L63IBBS Symbols at new 63d low in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$L63IM Symbols at new 63d low in Investment Managers
$L63KB Symbols at new 63d low in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$L63LI Symbols at new 63d low in Life Insurance
$L63MB Symbols at new 63d low in Major Banks
$L63MC Symbols at new 63d low in Major Chemicals
$L63MHC Symbols at new 63d low in Managed Health Care
$L63MT Symbols at new 63d low in Marine Transportation
$L63MPF Symbols at new 63d low in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$L63ME Symbols at new 63d low in Medical Electronics
$L63MS Symbols at new 63d low in Medical Specialities
$L63MDI Symbols at new 63d low in Medical/Dental Instruments
$L63MNS Symbols at new 63d low in Medical/Nursing Services
$L63MCABP Symbols at new 63d low in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$L63MF Symbols at new 63d low in Metal Fabrications
$L63MM Symbols at new 63d low in Metal Mining
$L63MGT Symbols at new 63d low in Military/Government/Technical
$L63MQONMNF Symbols at new 63d low in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$L63MCLS Symbols at new 63d low in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$L63MHABS Symbols at new 63d low in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$L63MIS Symbols at new 63d low in Miscellaneous
$L63MIS Symbols at new 63d low in Miscellaneous
$L63MMI Symbols at new 63d low in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$L63MV Symbols at new 63d low in Motor Vehicles
$L63ME Symbols at new 63d low in Movies/Entertainment
$L63MC Symbols at new 63d low in Multi-Sector Companies
$L63N100 Symbols at new 63d low in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$L63NB Symbols at new 63d low in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$L63NF100 Symbols at new 63d low in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$L63NI Symbols at new 63d low in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$L63NNC Symbols at new 63d low in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$L63NT Symbols at new 63d low in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$L63NGD Symbols at new 63d low in Natural Gas Distribution
$L63NM Symbols at new 63d low in Newspapers/Magazines
$L63NC Symbols at new 63d low in NYSE Composite (Index)
$L63OESS Symbols at new 63d low in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$L63OGP Symbols at new 63d low in Oil & Gas Production
$L63ORM Symbols at new 63d low in Oil Refining/Marketing
$L63OGT Symbols at new 63d low in Oil/Gas Transmission
$L63OSE Symbols at new 63d low in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$L63OG Symbols at new 63d low in Ophthalmic Goods
$L63OAA Symbols at new 63d low in Ordnance And Accessories
$L63OCS Symbols at new 63d low in Other Consumer Services
$L63OMAM Symbols at new 63d low in Other Metals and Minerals
$L63OP Symbols at new 63d low in Other Pharmaceuticals
$L63OSS Symbols at new 63d low in Other Specialty Stores
$L63PGC Symbols at new 63d low in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$L63PF Symbols at new 63d low in Packaged Foods
$L63PC Symbols at new 63d low in Paints/Coatings
$L63PAP Symbols at new 63d low in Paper
$L63PAB Symbols at new 63d low in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$L63PSGS Symbols at new 63d low in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$L63POS Symbols at new 63d low in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$L63PP Symbols at new 63d low in Plastic Products
$L63PCE Symbols at new 63d low in Pollution Control Equipment
$L63PG Symbols at new 63d low in Power Generation
$L63PM Symbols at new 63d low in Precious Metals
$L63PI Symbols at new 63d low in Precision Instruments
$L63PACE Symbols at new 63d low in Professional and commerical equipment
$L63PS Symbols at new 63d low in Professional Services
$L63PCI Symbols at new 63d low in Property-Casualty Insurers
$L63PUB Symbols at new 63d low in Publishing
$L63RATBACE Symbols at new 63d low in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$L63RAI Symbols at new 63d low in Railroads
$L63RE Symbols at new 63d low in Real Estate
$L63REIT Symbols at new 63d low in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$L63RGPT Symbols at new 63d low in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$L63RLC Symbols at new 63d low in Rental/Leasing Companies
$L63RES Symbols at new 63d low in Restaurants
$L63RADAGS Symbols at new 63d low in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$L63RDSAPS Symbols at new 63d low in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$L63RBM Symbols at new 63d low in RETAIL
$L63RCSPE Symbols at new 63d low in Retail
$L63R2000 Symbols at new 63d low in Russell 2000 (Index)
$L63SP100 Symbols at new 63d low in S&P 100 (Index)
$L63SP500 Symbols at new 63d low in S&P 500 (Index)
$L63SPM400 Symbols at new 63d low in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$L63SPS600 Symbols at new 63d low in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$L63SI Symbols at new 63d low in Savings Institutions
$L63SEM Symbols at new 63d low in Semiconductors
$L63SMAR Symbols at new 63d low in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$L63SM Symbols at new 63d low in Shoe Manufacturing
$L63SC Symbols at new 63d low in Specialty Chemicals
$L63SF Symbols at new 63d low in Specialty Foods
$L63SI Symbols at new 63d low in Specialty Insurers
$L63SIO Symbols at new 63d low in Steel/Iron Ore
$L63TEC Symbols at new 63d low in Technology
$L63TEL Symbols at new 63d low in Telecommunications
$L63TE Symbols at new 63d low in Telecommunications Equipment
$L63TEX Symbols at new 63d low in Textiles
$L63TOB Symbols at new 63d low in Tobacco
$L63TH Symbols at new 63d low in Tools/Hardware
$L63TS Symbols at new 63d low in Transportation Services
$L63TFCS Symbols at new 63d low in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$L63TEERAC Symbols at new 63d low in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$L63UTI Symbols at new 63d low in Utilities
$L63WSPCPLC Symbols at new 63d low in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$L63WS Symbols at new 63d low in Water Supply
$L63WD Symbols at new 63d low in Wholesale Distributors
$HL52WAHI Net 52wk high/low symbols in Accident &Health Insurance
$HL52WAC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Acquisition corp
$HL52WADV Net 52wk high/low symbols in Advertising
$HL52WAER Net 52wk high/low symbols in Aerospace
$HL52WAC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Agricultural Chemicals
$HL52WAFDS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Air Freight/Delivery Services
$HL52WALU Net 52wk high/low symbols in Aluminum
$HL52WAA Net 52wk high/low symbols in Amex Airline (Index)
$HL52WAGB Net 52wk high/low symbols in Amex Gold Bugs (Index)
$HL52WAO Net 52wk high/low symbols in Amex Oil (Index)
$HL52WAP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Amex Pharmaceutical (Index)
$HL52WAPP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Apparel
$HL52WAHSS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Auto & Home Supply Stores
$HL52WAM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Auto Manufacturing
$HL52WAPOEM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Auto Parts
$HL52WAA Net 52wk high/low symbols in Automotive Aftermarket
$HL52WBAN Net 52wk high/low symbols in Banks
$HL52WBM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Basic Materials
$HL52WBPD Net 52wk high/low symbols in Beverages (Production/Distribution)
$HL52WBBPNDS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Biotechnology
$HL52WBCPBR Net 52wk high/low symbols in Biotechnology
$HL52WBEEA Net 52wk high/low symbols in Biotechnology
$HL52WBIVIVDS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Biotechnology
$HL52WBLAI Net 52wk high/low symbols in Biotechnology
$HL52WBPP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Biotechnology
$HL52WBC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Blank Checks
$HL52WBOO Net 52wk high/low symbols in Books
$HL52WBRO Net 52wk high/low symbols in Broadcasting
$HL52WBM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Building Materials
$HL52WBO Net 52wk high/low symbols in Building operators
$HL52WBP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Building Products
$HL52WBS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Business Services
$HL52WCOPTS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Cable & Other Pay Television Services
$HL52WCSD Net 52wk high/low symbols in Catalog/Specialty Distribution
$HL52WCSAS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores
$HL52WCM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Coal Mining
$HL52WCB Net 52wk high/low symbols in Commercial Banks
$HL52WCCE Net 52wk high/low symbols in Computer Communications Equipment
$HL52WCM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Computer Manufacturing
$HL52WCPE Net 52wk high/low symbols in Computer peripheral equipment
$HL52WCSPS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Computer Software
$HL52WCSPDP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Computer Software
$HL52WCAET Net 52wk high/low symbols in Construction/Ag Equipment/Trucks
$HL52WCD Net 52wk high/low symbols in Consumer Discretionary
$HL52WCEA Net 52wk high/low symbols in Consumer Electronics/Appliances
$HL52WCEVC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Consumer Electronics/Video Chains
$HL52WCS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Consumer Specialties
$HL52WCS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Consumer Staples
$HL52WCP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Containers/Packaging
$HL52WDSRS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Department/Specialty Retail Stores
$HL52WDCS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Diversified Commercial Services
$HL52WDEP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Diversified Electronic Products
$HL52WDFS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Diversified Financial Services
$HL52WDJ30 Net 52wk high/low symbols in Dow Jones 30 (Index)
$HL52WDJC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Dow Jones Composite (Index)
$HL52WDJTA Net 52wk high/low symbols in Dow Jones Transportation Average (Index)
$HL52WDG Net 52wk high/low symbols in Durable Goods
$HL52WES Net 52wk high/low symbols in EDP Services
$HL52WEUC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Electric Utilities
$HL52WEP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Electrical Products
$HL52WEC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Electronic Components
$HL52WED Net 52wk high/low symbols in Electronics Distribution
$HL52WENE Net 52wk high/low symbols in Energy
$HL52WEC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Engineering & Construction
$HL52WES Net 52wk high/low symbols in Environmental Services
$HL52WFSM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Farming/Seeds/Milling
$HL52WFIN Net 52wk high/low symbols in Finance
$HL52WFC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Finance Companies
$HL52WFCS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Finance
$HL52WFIS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Finance/Investors Services
$HL52WFC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Fluid Controls
$HL52WFC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Food Chains
$HL52WFD Net 52wk high/low symbols in Food Distributors
$HL52WFP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Forest Products
$HL52WGBCNB Net 52wk high/low symbols in General Bldg Contractors - Nonresidential Bldgs
$HL52WHC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Health Care
$HL52WHF Net 52wk high/low symbols in Home Furnishings
$HL52WHOM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Homebuilding
$HL52WHNM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Hospital/Nursing Management
$HL52WHR Net 52wk high/low symbols in Hotels/Resorts
$HL52WIMC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Industrial Machinery/Components
$HL52WIS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Industrial Specialties
$HL52WIND Net 52wk high/low symbols in Industrials
$HL52WIOC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Integrated oil Companies
$HL52WIBBS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service
$HL52WIM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Investment Managers
$HL52WKB Net 52wk high/low symbols in KBW Bank Sector (Index)
$HL52WLI Net 52wk high/low symbols in Life Insurance
$HL52WMB Net 52wk high/low symbols in Major Banks
$HL52WMC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Major Chemicals
$HL52WMHC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Managed Health Care
$HL52WMT Net 52wk high/low symbols in Marine Transportation
$HL52WMPF Net 52wk high/low symbols in Meat/Poultry/Fish
$HL52WME Net 52wk high/low symbols in Medical Electronics
$HL52WMS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Medical Specialities
$HL52WMDI Net 52wk high/low symbols in Medical/Dental Instruments
$HL52WMNS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Medical/Nursing Services
$HL52WMCABP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Medicinal Chemicals and Botanical Products
$HL52WMF Net 52wk high/low symbols in Metal Fabrications
$HL52WMM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Metal Mining
$HL52WMGT Net 52wk high/low symbols in Military/Government/Technical
$HL52WMQONMNF Net 52wk high/low symbols in Mining & Quarrying of Nonmetallic Minerals (No Fuels)
$HL52WMCLS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Misc Corporate Leasing Services
$HL52WMHABS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Misc Health and Biotechnology Services
$HL52WMIS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Miscellaneous
$HL52WMIS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Miscellaneous
$HL52WMMI Net 52wk high/low symbols in Miscellaneous manufacturing industries
$HL52WMV Net 52wk high/low symbols in Motor Vehicles
$HL52WME Net 52wk high/low symbols in Movies/Entertainment
$HL52WMC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Multi-Sector Companies
$HL52WN100 Net 52wk high/low symbols in NASDAQ 100 (Index)
$HL52WNB Net 52wk high/low symbols in NASDAQ Bank (Index)
$HL52WNF100 Net 52wk high/low symbols in NASDAQ Financial 100 (Index)
$HL52WNI Net 52wk high/low symbols in NASDAQ Insurance (Index)
$HL52WNNC Net 52wk high/low symbols in NASDAQ NMS Composite (Index)
$HL52WNT Net 52wk high/low symbols in NASDAQ Transportation (Index)
$HL52WNGD Net 52wk high/low symbols in Natural Gas Distribution
$HL52WNM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Newspapers/Magazines
$HL52WNC Net 52wk high/low symbols in NYSE Composite (Index)
$HL52WOESS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Office Equipment/Supplies/Services
$HL52WOGP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Oil & Gas Production
$HL52WORM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Oil Refining/Marketing
$HL52WOGT Net 52wk high/low symbols in Oil/Gas Transmission
$HL52WOSE Net 52wk high/low symbols in Oilfield Services/Equipment
$HL52WOG Net 52wk high/low symbols in Ophthalmic Goods
$HL52WOAA Net 52wk high/low symbols in Ordnance And Accessories
$HL52WOCS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Other Consumer Services
$HL52WOMAM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Other Metals and Minerals
$HL52WOP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Other Pharmaceuticals
$HL52WOSS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Other Specialty Stores
$HL52WPGC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Package Goods/Cosmetics
$HL52WPF Net 52wk high/low symbols in Packaged Foods
$HL52WPC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Paints/Coatings
$HL52WPAP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Paper
$HL52WPAB Net 52wk high/low symbols in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
$HL52WPSGS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Philadelphia SE Gold/Silver (Index)
$HL52WPOS Net 52wk high/low symbols in PHLX Oil Service Sector (Index)
$HL52WPP Net 52wk high/low symbols in Plastic Products
$HL52WPCE Net 52wk high/low symbols in Pollution Control Equipment
$HL52WPG Net 52wk high/low symbols in Power Generation
$HL52WPM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Precious Metals
$HL52WPI Net 52wk high/low symbols in Precision Instruments
$HL52WPACE Net 52wk high/low symbols in Professional and commerical equipment
$HL52WPS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Professional Services
$HL52WPCI Net 52wk high/low symbols in Property-Casualty Insurers
$HL52WPUB Net 52wk high/low symbols in Publishing
$HL52WRATBACE Net 52wk high/low symbols in Radio And Television Broadcasting And Communications Equipment
$HL52WRAI Net 52wk high/low symbols in Railroads
$HL52WRE Net 52wk high/low symbols in Real Estate
$HL52WREIT Net 52wk high/low symbols in Real Estate Investment Trusts
$HL52WRGPT Net 52wk high/low symbols in Recreational Games/Products/Toys
$HL52WRLC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Rental/Leasing Companies
$HL52WRES Net 52wk high/low symbols in Restaurants
$HL52WRADAGS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Retail-Auto Dealers and Gas Stations
$HL52WRDSAPS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Retail-Drug Stores and Proprietary Stores
$HL52WRBM Net 52wk high/low symbols in RETAIL
$HL52WRCSPE Net 52wk high/low symbols in Retail
$HL52WR2000 Net 52wk high/low symbols in Russell 2000 (Index)
$HL52WSP100 Net 52wk high/low symbols in S&P 100 (Index)
$HL52WSP500 Net 52wk high/low symbols in S&P 500 (Index)
$HL52WSPM400 Net 52wk high/low symbols in S&P MidCap 400 (Index)
$HL52WSPS600 Net 52wk high/low symbols in S&P SmallCap 600 (Index)
$HL52WSI Net 52wk high/low symbols in Savings Institutions
$HL52WSEM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Semiconductors
$HL52WSMAR Net 52wk high/low symbols in Services-Misc. Amusement & Recreation
$HL52WSM Net 52wk high/low symbols in Shoe Manufacturing
$HL52WSC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Specialty Chemicals
$HL52WSF Net 52wk high/low symbols in Specialty Foods
$HL52WSI Net 52wk high/low symbols in Specialty Insurers
$HL52WSIO Net 52wk high/low symbols in Steel/Iron Ore
$HL52WTEC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Technology
$HL52WTEL Net 52wk high/low symbols in Telecommunications
$HL52WTE Net 52wk high/low symbols in Telecommunications Equipment
$HL52WTEX Net 52wk high/low symbols in Textiles
$HL52WTOB Net 52wk high/low symbols in Tobacco
$HL52WTH Net 52wk high/low symbols in Tools/Hardware
$HL52WTS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Transportation Services
$HL52WTFCS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Trucking Freight/Courier Services
$HL52WTEERAC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Trusts Except Educational Religious and Charitable
$HL52WUTI Net 52wk high/low symbols in Utilities
$HL52WWSPCPLC Net 52wk high/low symbols in Water Sewer Pipeline Comm & Power Line Construction
$HL52WWS Net 52wk high/low symbols in Water Supply
$HL52WWD Net 52wk high/low symbols in Wholesale Distributors
Nov 6, 2024

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