Symbol Search and Lookup

TrendSpider allows you to perform a quick search for different asset classes including stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), currencies, cryptocurrencies, indices, and futures. In this documentation, we will explore the following two methods to find assets using the search field:

Let’s get started 🚀

Search by Name

Navigate to the Search field at the top left corner of the interface and enter the name of the asset you're interested in (e.g.“Tesla”). As a result, TrendSpider will perform a quick search on your entry and render the results in the dropdown list accordingly.


Search by Ticker Symbol

Navigate to the Search field at the top left corner of the interface and enter the ticker symbol of the asset you're interested in (e.g.“TSLA”). As a result, TrendSpider will perform a quick search on your entry and render the results in the dropdown list accordingly.


While searching for a cryptocurrency pair from the list, you will have an option to narrow down your selection based on a specific exchange. You can view the data for a cryptocurrency pair listed on a particular exchange like Binance or Coinbase or Kraken or Gemini or any other of your choice. Hence, if you enter- ^BTCUSD in the search field, you will find multiple options for this pair to select from the dropdown list arranged on the basis of exchanges.


This option has been accommodated into the search feature of TrendSpider because the prices for cryptocurrencies vary from one exchange to another due to variations in the dynamics of every exchange.

FACT*: TrendSpider provides the data for cryptocurrency pairs from 170 different exchanges* 💡

NOTE*: At the time of creating a Watch List, you will observe the symbol search field embedded in the watchlist creator window. You can search the asset class by name or ticker symbol and  add it to the Watch List*

Symbol Search field Embedded in the Watchlist Creator

Note: Some trading applications make use of a slash (e.g. BTC/USD) or a colon (e.g. "BTC:USD") but TrendSpider does not use a separator at all.

Ticker Symbol Format

Asset Class Format Example
Currency Pairs Preceded by a ^ ^USDGBP
Cryptocurrency Pairs Preceded by a ^ ^BTCUSD
Indices Preceded by a $ $EVZ
Futures Include an ! and 1, 2, or 3.  1 = current contract    2 = current + 1 ES1!

Note: There is no Ticker Symbol Format for standard Stocks, ETFs, or OTC because there is no special operator for these asset classes.

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