
  • 1-on-1 User Training Sessions

    TrendSpider Software Trainings TrendSpider understands that the platform is a sophisticated application that may take time to get used to and understand. Training is provided to help jump-start your TrendSpider experience by showing you how the application works, helping you to customize it to m...
  • Billing and Refund Policy

    You may cancel the automatic renewal of your TrendSpider account by contacting us via e-mail, telephone or live chat at any time. Due to immediate costs incurred upon account creation, we are unable to offer refunds for initial orders or first-time purchases. Exceptions are made for yearly renew...
  • Data Feed Entitlements for Professional vs Non-professional Investors

    While signing up on TrendSpider, you are required to fill out a compliance survey form consisting of the 11 questions and submit exchange agreements that are necessary to identify if you qualify as a professional investor or not in the eyes of the U.S Securities and Exchanges. The United States ...
  • Downgrading

    You can easily downgrade your plan if you no longer require advanced features. Downgrade your account in a few easy steps: Step 1: Log in to your TrendSpider Account and click on your name on the Top Right Corner to open the User Menu. Step 2: Select “Account & Settings” and this will op...
  • How Account Renewals Work

    Renewals are a straightforward process: In order to ensure uninterupted service, all renewals are automatic by default. You may disable automated renewal in your account by following the cancellation instructions below. Your account will automatically renew every month or year depending on the t...
  • How To Cancel Service - Cancellation Instructions

    There are several easy ways to cancel your account: RECOMMENDED. Online. To cancel future renewal, login to TrendSpider and click on your name on the top right corner of the screen. In the menu that appears, click on Account & Settings. Next, on the dialog window that opens, click on the Pla...
  • Upgrading

    It's easy to upgrade your plan to access new features: Step 1: Log in to your TrendSpider Account and click on your name on the Top Right Corner to open the User Menu. Step 2: Select “Account & Settings” and this will open the Account & Settings Window. In this window, click on the Pl...